NITMGH/ES/ISRO-RESPOND Proj/EC/80/2018-19/3656
Dated: 26-03-2019

Applications are invited for one temporary post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in ISRO funded RESPOND Project entitled “Development of High Sensitivity CMOS-MEMS Integrated Smart Pressure Sensor and System for Space Applications (Ref: ISRO/RES/3/807/18-19)” in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, NIT Meghalaya. The post of JRF is temporary and co-terminus with the project (2019-2021). The initial appointment is for one year, which is extendable up-to completion of the project or end of the project duration, whichever is earlier. The extension of engagement will be solely based on the performance of the candidate.

Last date for application on or before 30 April 2019. 

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/nitmeghalaya/ckfinder/userfiles/files/Application%20Form-%20JRF-%20ISRO%20Respond%20Project.docxDownload Application Form. >>