Krigg is an departmental event. This event brings to you the war between the departments on online events, gaming, rangoli etc.
Points distribution are as follows:
SL NO | Event | Winner | Runner-Up | 2nd Runner-Up |
01 | Rangoli | 400 | 200 | 100 |
02 | Treasure Hunt | 200 | 100 | -- |
03 | Meme Design | 100 | -- | -- |
04 | Graphic Design | 100 | -- | -- |
05 | Dubsmash | 100 | -- | -- |
06 | Hand Sketch/Painting | 100 | -- | -- |
07 | Clash Royale | 100 | 50 | -- |
08 | PUBG | 400 | 200 | 100 |
09 | CS GO | 400 | 200 | 100 |
10 | Need for Speed | 200 | 100 | 50 |
11 | Profile Visitrory | 100 | -- | -- |
    For the first time in the history of National Institute of Technology, MEGHALAYA, Clash Royale the real-time, head-to-head battle game set in the Clash Universe in SHISHIR 2K19. Welcome to the Arena!
    We the engineers are all born actors. Here is the opportunity to use your acting skills and killing expressions and win points to your department.
    Can you design something that can leave people in awe? Submit it to us and we will provide exposure to the designer inside you!
    Here’s a chance to revive that child artist hidden inside you. Make a sketch or a painting on any topic and we will provide exposure to the Picasso inside you!
    Rangoli, one of the most beautiful and most pleasing art forms of India, is comprised of two words, 'rang' meaning 'color' and 'aavalli' meaning colored creepers' or 'row of colors'. Rangoli basically comprises of the art of making designs or patterns on the walls or the floor of the house, using finely ground white powder along with different colors.
    ‘Hunting’ mixture of smart work, hard work and team work. This event provides you an opportunity to prove your team's hunting power.
Shishir’s most fun and competitive event, Lan Gaming is here with exciting games to show your skills. Gear up
and compete against other branches and claim the victory.
    Why fight when you can dance? Have you ever had the desire to express the hidden language of your soul, make the music visible.Dance on the random music being played and show your instincts to dance.
    We welcome you all to Shishir 2k19 with a bang and dose of music and songs on it’s very first day. Anyone who has a passion for music and know that they can win over a crowd, the stage is all yours. Now what do you have to win over an entire audience?
    Drama is considered one of the fine arts in India, besides it has always been the medium to deliver a message effectively connecting all the emotions of the audience, especially in 1970's. It also represents various cultures, traditions and ideologies of a region.
    Dramatics is an event in Shishir, where the participants perform dramas delivering a social message, or showing their talents by recreating another drama or play, or simply for entertainment. The Dramas are evaluated by the Judges and the participants are awarded.
    The Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth (SPIC MACAY) is a voluntary youth movement which promotes intangible aspects of Indian cultural heritage by promoting Indian classical music, classical dance, folk, music, yoga, meditation, crafts and other aspects of Indian culture; it is a movement with chapters in over 300 towns all over the world.SPIC MACAY was established by Dr. Kiran Seth in 1977 at IIT Delhi.
    SPIC MACAY is a non-political nationwide voluntary movement that organises programmes of classical music and dance, folk arts, crafts, yog, classic cinema screenings, heritage walks, etc. inside college campus throughout the world to make students more aware about Indian and world heritage. This initiative makes education more holistic and meaningful as it highlights all that is abstract, subtle, inspiring and mystical in the world teaching one to look within oneself. SPIC MACAY runs on the energy of volunteers who come from all walks of life - students, teachers, professional and retired people, young and old.