
Our Technical Co-sponsors

Our Financial Co-sponsors

We invite various companies/ research organization/Academic Institutes to become Sponsors of 5 th IEEE International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment that is to be organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Meghalaya, Shillong, India during 15th to 17th June, 2023.

Submission of Sponsorship Proposal Form:

For download the sponsorship proposal form, please Click Here. Please send the sponsorship proposal form along with the relevant documents (Payment receipt, Soft copy of the Logo, any other text to share via conference website) to the Organizing Chair(s) at icepe2023@nitm.ac.in.

Account Name: * ICEPE 2020 NITM
Account Number: 43580200000110
Bank Name: Bank of Baroda, Laitumkhrah, Shillong, 793003
IFSC Code: BARB0LAITUM (fifth character is zero)

General Terms and Conditions

  1. All payments for sponsorship are to be made in advance.
  2. Company's/Organization’s Logo & complete Name with style will be required for acknowledging through brochures, Invitation cards & other promotional material.