Dated: 10-02-2020

Applications are invited from motivated and eligible candidates for the position of Summer Internship for the project entitled "Synthesis of biocompatible silver and gold nanoparticles using dietary polyphenols as reducing agents: Further investigation into their binding efficacies with the carrier proteins, biomolecular detections, anti-bacterial properties and cell cytotoxicity" under SERB, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India (File No.: CRG/2019/000852) in the Department of Chemistry, NIT Meghalaya.

Principal investigator: Dr. Atanu Singha Roy

No. of position available: One (01)

Eligibility: Pursuing M.Sc. in Chemistry/Biological Sciences or Integrated M.Sc. students (in their 4th Year)

Consolidated monthly compensation / stipend: Rs. 5000/- per month.

Start Date: 20-05-2020 and End Date: 19-07-2020 (duration 02 months).

Last Date of Application: 20-04-2020

Announcement of result: 30-04-2020

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