Department Computer Science & Engineering
Mallikarjuna, B., Pathirikkat, G., Roy, D. S., & Maddikara, J. B. R. (2019). A Real-Time Synchronized Harmonic Phasor Measurements-Based Fault Location Method for Transmission Lines. Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, 30(6), 1082-1093.
Rajappa, M., Krithivasan, K., & Roy, D. S. (2019). Helly hypergraph based matching
framework using deterministic sampling techniques for spatially improved point feature based image matching. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(11), 14657-14681.
Behera, R. K., Reddy, K. H. K., & Sinha Roy, D. (2019). Modeling and assessing
reliability of service-oriented internet of things. International Journal of Computers and Applications (Inderscience), 41(3), 195-206.
Pradhan, B., Vijayakumar, V., Hui, N. B., & Sinha Roy, D. (2019). Intelligent navigation of multiple coordinated robots. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 36(5), 4413-4423.
Nalluri, M. S. R., Kannan, K., Gao, X. Z., & Roy, D. S. (2019). An efficient hybrid meta-heuristic approach for cell formation problem. Soft Computing, 23(19), 9189-9213.
Reddy, K. H. K., Pandey, V., & Roy, D. S. (2019). A novel entropy-based dynamic data placement strategy for data intensive applications in Hadoop clusters. International Journal of Big Data Intelligence, 6(1), 20-37.
Chang, C. Y., Lin, C. C., Shang, C., Chang, I. H., & Roy, D. S. (2019). DBDC: A Distributed Bus-Based Data Collection Mechanism for Maximizing Throughput and Lifetime in WSNs. IEEE Access, 7, 160506-160522.
Nalluri, M. R., Kannan, K., Gao, X. Z., & Roy, D. S. (2019). Multi objective hybrid
monarch butterfly optimization for imbalanced disease classification problem. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 1-29.
Pradhan, B., Nandi, A., Hui, N. B., Roy, D. S., & Rodrigues, J. (2019). A Novel Hybrid Neural Network Based Multi Robot Path Planning with Motion Coordination. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
Nalluri, M. R., Kannan, K., Gao, X. Z., & Roy, D. S. (2020). Multi-Objective
Optimization of Feature Selection Using Hybrid Cat Swarm Optimization. Science China Technological Sciences, Springer (Accepted).
Chang, I. H., Keh, H. C., Dande, B., & Roy, D. S. (2020). Smart Hat: Design and
Implementation of a Wearable Learning Device for Kids Using AI and IoTs Techniques. Journal of Internet Technology, 21(2), 593-604.
Chang, C. Y., Chen, S. Y., Chang, I. H., Yu, G. J., & Roy, D. S. (2020). Multi-Rate Data Collection Using Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Sensors Journal. (Accepted)
Liao, W. H., Dande, B., Chang, C. Y., & Roy, D. S. (2020). MMQT: Maximizing the Monitoring Quality for Targets Based on Probabilistic Sensing Model in Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Access, 8, 77073-77088. (Accepted).
Wen, W., Shang, C., Chang, C. Y., & Roy, D. S. (2020). DEDC: Joint Density-Aware
and Energy-Limited Path Construction for Data Collection Using Mobile Sink in WSNs. IEEE Access, 8, 78942-78955. (Accepted)
Shang, C., Chang, C. Y., Liu, J., Zhao, S., & Roy, D. S. (2020). FIID: Feature-Based
Implicit Irregularity Detection Using Unsupervised Learning from IoT Data for
Homecare of Elderly. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. (Accepted)
Dong, Zaixiu, Cuijuan Shang, Chih-Yung Chang, and Diptendu Sinha Roy. "Barrier Coverage Mechanism Using Adaptive Sensing Range for Renewable WSNs." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 86065-86080.
M S Rao, Kannan K, X Z Gao, Swaminathan V, D S Roy, (2020) “Parameter Evolution of the Classifiers for Disease Diagnosis with Offline Data-Driven Hybrid Systems” Intelligent Data Analysis (IOS Press) (Accepted).
N. Goel, A. Singh, Yogita, “Integrative Analysis of Multi-Genomic Data for Kidney
Renal Cell Carcinoma” Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences 2019.
Upasana, J. Sangma, V. Pal, Yogita "Data-Driven Extraction of Quantitative Multi-
dimensional Associations of Cardiovascular Drugs and Adverse Drug Reactions." In International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, pp. 70-77. Springer, Cham, 2019.
Yogita, J W Sangma, S R Ngamwal, V Pal, “Clustering-Based Hybrid Approach for
Identifying Quantitative Multidimensional Associations Between Patient Attributes, Drugs and Adverse Drug Reactions”, Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life
Sciences, 2020.
Vipin Pal, Anju Yadav, Yogita, “DDC protocol to protract network lifetime of wireless sensor networks” International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2020.
K. Hemant Kumar Reddy, Ranjith Kumar Behera, Alok Chakrabarty, Diptedu Sinha
Roy, (2020), “A Service Delay Minimization Scheme for QoS Constrained, Context
Aware Unified IoT Applications”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Accepted).
Vinay Kumar, Akshay Kulkarni, Sadanand Yadav, Akhilendra Pratap, Sanjay B dhok,” Modelling of Superconductor Enabled Magnetic Induction Transmitter and Relay Coil for Non-Conventional Media Communication” Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, Wireless Personal Communications,111:2577–2603, December 2019.
Surmila Thokchom and Dilip Kr. Saikia, “Privacy preserving integrity checking of shared dynamic cloud data with user revocation”, Journal of Information Security and
Applications, Volume 50, February 2020.
Conferences: (International):
Pradhan, Buddhadeb, Diptendu Sinha Roy, and Nirmal Baran Hui. "Multi-agent Navigation and Coordination Using GA-Fuzzy Approach." In Soft Computing for Problem Solving, pp. 793-805. Springer, Singapore, 2019.
Singh, A. P., Kumar, G. H., Paik, S. S., & Roy, D. S. (2019). Storage and Analysis of Synchrophasor Data for Event Detection in Indian Power System Using Hadoop Ecosystem. In Data and Communication Networks (pp. 291-304). Springer, Singapore.
Roy, Diptendu Sinha. (2019) "A Study on DRX Mechanism for Wireless Powered LTEEnabled IoT devices." In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer ElectronicsTaiwan (ICCE-TW), pp. 1-2. IEEE, 2019.
Pradhan, B., Roy, D. S., & Hui, N. B. (2019). Multi-agent Navigation and Coordination Using GA-Fuzzy Approach. In Soft Computing for Problem Solving (pp. 793-805). Springer, Singapore.
Nath, Bipasha, and Diptendu Sinha Roy. (2019) "Characterizing Single Line to Ground (SLG) Events with Indian Power Grid’s Synchrophasor Data." In International Conference on Innovation in Modern Science and Technology, pp. 710-718. Springer, 2019.
Ajij, M., Roy, D. S., &Pratihar, S. (2019). Plant Leaf Recognition using Geometric Features and Pearson Correlations. In 2019 International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Behera, R. K., Reddy, K. H. K., & Roy, D. S. (2020). A Novel Context Migration Model for Fog-Enabled Cross-Vertical IoT Applications. In International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications (pp. 287-295). Springer, Singapore.
Mudali, G., Reddy, K. H. K., & Roy, D. S. (2020). Efficient Evolutionary Approach for Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Data Center. In International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications (pp. 247-255). Springer, Singapore.
Pradhan, B., Hui, N. B., & Roy, D. S. (2020). Heuristic Coordination for Multi-agent Motion Planning. In International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications (pp. 569-578). Springer, Singapore.
Ashu A, Mir Wajahat Hussain, Diptendu Sinha Roy and Hemant Kumar Reddy, (2020) “Intelligent Data Compression Policy for Hadoop Performance Optimization”, In SoCPaR 2019 (Accepted)
K T Sai Akhil, D Rishabh, N Sai Suprabhath, Kritesh P, BalimidiMallikarjuna, D S Roy, M Jaya Bharata Reddy and D K Mohanta, (2020), “Dynamic State Estimation of Synchronous Generator Ro-tor Angle Using PMU and EKF”, ICETSGAI 4.0 (Accepted).
SoumenMoulik, Debapratim Dey, Kaushik Ray, and Kamal Das, “Reliable Transmission of Critical Packets in IEEE 802.15.4-based Body Area Networks”, IEEE ANTS, Goa, India, Dec. 2019.
SoumenMoulik, Kaushik Ray, “d-CARE: Context-Aware Regulation of Backoff Delay in Wireless Personal Area Networks”, IEEE TENCON, Kerala, India, Oct. 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TENCON.2019.8929352.
Anil Ku. Swain, Bunil Kumar Balabantaray, Jitendra Kumar Rout and An Optimal Deep learning approach for Classification of Age Groups in Social Network", 11th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC 2020), Orlando, USA, on 10th -13th March, 2020.
S. C. Barik, S Mohapatra, B. Das, M. Acharya, B K Balabantaray, “Advanced Colored Image Encryption Method using Evolution Function”, in International Conference on Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence (2019-ICMLCI), 14th -15th December, 2019.
C. Lalengmawia, and A. Chakrabarty, “Compiling NCV Quantum Circuits for Nearest Neighbour Realization”, Proc. 2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering, Vellore, India, IEEE Publications, 24-25 Feb 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ic-ETITE47903.2020.305.
Deepak Kumar and Prabir Saha, “Accelerating latency of binary division through Vedic methodology”, Fourth International Conference on Smart Trends for Computing and Communications, Bangkok, Thailand, 24-25 January 2020.
M Sarkar, JW Sangma, Yogita, V Pal “Human Behaviour Analysis: Using Clustering for Identifying Co-evolving EEG Data Streams”, Ninth International Workshop Statistical Analysis of Neuronal Data (SAND9), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA, May 21 - 23, 2019.
Upasana, J. Sangma, V. Pal, Yogita "Data-Driven Extraction of Quantitative Multidimensional Associations of Cardiovascular Drugs and Adverse Drug Reactions." In International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, pp. 70-77. Springer, Cham, 2019.
I B Prasad, B Rout, V Pal, Yogita “M-Way Balanced Tree Data Aggregation Approach for Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks”, OWT, 2019.
V Pal Anju Yadav, Yogita, “Analysis of Optimal Number of Cluster Heads on Network Lifetime in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Conference on Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, (ICDLAIR) 2019.
V Pal, IB Prasad, B Rout, Yogita, “Fuzzy Logic Based Clustering for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Conference on Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, (ICDLAIR) 2019.
Vinay Kumar, A alxim Prasanna, Dush Nalin, K Jayakody, Akhilendra Paratp Singh, Compressive Data Gathering for MI Based Clustered Non-Conventional WSNs, International Conference on Emerging Technologies of Information and Communications (ETIC 2019), Bhutan, March, 2019
Nihar Ranjan Pradhan, Vinay Kumar, Akhilendra Pratap Singh,” Blockchain Enabled Traceable, Transparent Transportation System For Blood Bank”, 2nd International conference on VLSI (very-large-scale integration), communication and signal processing, Springer Nature,2019, 21-23 October 2019, MNNIT Allahabad, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
T. V. Mahendra; S. W. Hussain;S. Mishra ; A. Dandapat, "A Novel Low-Power Matchline Evaluation Technique for Content Addressable Memory (CAM)" in the Special Issue On Advanced Networking And Communication Solutions For Wireless Mobile Networks, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 36, no-5, Mar 2020.
T. V. Mahendra; S. W. Hussain;S. Mishra ; A. Dandapat, "Energy-Efficient PrechargeFree Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) for High Search Rate Applications" in the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, DOI:10.1109/TCSI.2020.2978295, Feb 2020.
S. Mishra, T. V. Mahendra, S. W. Hussain and A. Dandapat, "The analogy of matchline sensing techniques for content addressable memory (CAM)," in IET Computers & Digital Techniques, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 87-96, 5 2020, doi: 10.1049/ietcdt.2019.0178.,2020.
Farhana Begum, S. Mishra ; A. Dandapat,, “Low Power 10-Bit Flash ADC with Divide and Collate Sub ranging Conversion Scheme”, Transactions on Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Scientiairanica, DOI: 10.24200/SCI.2019.5162.1129, Nov,2019.
T. V. Mahendra, S. W. Hussain, S. Mishra, A. Dandapat “Low Discharge Precharge Free Matchline Structure for Energy-Efficient Search using CAM” Integration the VLSI Journal, Elsevier 69, 31-39, Nov 2019.
Anup Dandapat, “Methodologies for CAM and ADC design”, CSI Transactions on ICT, Springer, DOI June 2019.
Farhana Begum, S. Mishra ; Najrul Islam ; A. Dandapat,, “A 10-bit 2.33 fJ/conv. SARADC with High Speed Capacitive DAC Switching using a Novel Effective Asynchronous Control Circuitry”, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer, , Apr 2019.
Dutta, A., Ashishkumar, G. & Rao, C.V.R. Designing of Gabor filters for spectrotemporal feature extraction to improve the performance of ASR system. Int J Speech Technol 22, 1085–1097 Nov,2019.
Dutta, A., Ashishkumar, G. & Ch V Rama Rao. Performance analysis of ASR system in hybrid DNN-HMM framework using a PWL euclidean activation function. Frontiers of Computer Science, Accepted, 2020.
S. Baldev, K. K. Anumandla and R. Peesapati, "Scalable Wavefront Parallel Streaming Deblocking Filter Hardware for HEVC Decoder," in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 41-50, Feb. 2020.
P, NarenB., R. Peesapati, G. Panda and G. Panda, "An Adaptive Differentiation Frequency-based Advanced Reference Current Generator in Grid-tied PV Applications," in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. doi: 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.293314, Aug 2019.
P, Naren B, B, CB, Peesapati, R B, Panda, Gayadhar. “An optimal current control scheme in the grid-tied hybrid energy system with active power filters for harmonic mitigation”. International Trans Electric Energy Sys,. 30(3), doi:10.1002/2050-7038.12183, Dec 2019
Ahmed, R. U., Saha, P. “Modeling of Short P-Channel Symmetric Double-Gate MOSFET for Low Power Circuit Simulation”, PeriodicaPolytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 64(1), pp. 106-114, Dec,2020
S.D. Thabah, P. Saha, “New Design Approaches of Reversible BCD Encoder using Peres and Feynman Gates”, ICT Express Elsevier, 6 (1), Mar, 2020
R. U. Ahmed, E. A. Vijaykumar and P. Saha Single-Stage Operational Transconductance Amplifier Design in UTBSOI Technology Based on gm/Id Methodology Electronics Journal 23(2) 52-59, 2019.
Kumar, S., Ropmay, G., Rathore, P., Rangababu, P. and Akhtar, J. "Fabrication and testing of PMOS current mirror-integrated MEMS pressure transducer", Sensor Review, Emerald, doi:10.1002/2050-7038.12183, Nov,2019.
D. S. Saini, A. Ghosh, S.Tripathy, A. Kumar, S.K Sharma, N. Kumar, S. Majumdar, D. Bhattacharya A Promising Proton Conducting Electrolyte BaZr 1-x Ho x O 3-δ (0.05≤ x≤ 0.20) Ceramics for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Nature Scientific Report 10(1), 1-12, 2020
S.Das, S. Dutta, C. Putcha, S. Majumdar, D. Adak A data-driven physics informed method for prognosis of infrastructure systems: Theory and application to crack prediction ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A : Civil Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)) 6(2), 4020013, 2020.
Devi, S.S., Singh, N.H. and Laskar, R.H., 2020. Fuzzy C-Means Clustering with Histogram based Cluster Selection for Skin Lesion Segmentation using NonDermoscopic Images. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia & Artificial Intelligence, 6(1), 2020
Shashi Kumar, Gaddiella Diengdoh Ropmay, Peesapati Rangababu, Pradeep Kumar Rathore and Jamil Akhtar , “ A Comparative Study on Sensitivity Enhancement of p- and n-channel MOSFET based Current Mirror Integrated Pressure Sensor Using Differential Amplifier ”, 2020 Flexible Electronics for Electric Vehicles (FlexEV-2020), Jaipur, India, 5-6 March 2020 (Presented and Accepted for AIP Proceedings).
GaddiellaDiengdohRopmay, Shashi Kumar, PeesapatiRangababu, Pradeep Kumar Rathore and Jamil Akhtar, “ A novel MEMS-based Blood Glucose Measurement Sensor using Twin-Cantilever Structure ”, 2020 Flexible Electronics for Electric Vehicles (FlexEV-2020), Jaipur, India, 5-6 March 2020 (Presented and Accepted for AIP Proceedings).
V. M. Telajala, W. H. Sheikh, S. Mishra and A. Dandapat, "A Low-Power SplitControlled Single Ended Storage Content Addressable Memory," 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES) (Formerly iNiS), Rourkela, India, 2019, pp. 369-372, doi: 10.1109/iSES47678.2019.00091
T. V. Mahendra, S. W. Hussain, S. Mishra and A. Dandapat, "Design and Implementation of Drivers and Selectors for Content Addressable Memory (CAM)," 2019 IEEE 2nd
International Conference on Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECE), Xi'an, China, 2019, pp. 216-220, doi: 10.1109/ICECE48499.2019.9058571.
S. W. Hussain, T. V. Mahendra, S. Mishra and A. Dandapat, "Efficient Matchline Controller for Hybrid Content Addressable Memory," 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECE), Xi'an, China, 2019, pp. 418-422, doi: 10.1109/ICECE48499.2019.9058537.
S. W. Hussain, T. V. Mahendra, S. Mishra and A. Dandapat, "A Quasi-Static Storage and Decision Block for Performance-Efficient Content Addressable Memory," 2019 IEEE 6th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICETAS48360.2019.9117334.
T. V. Mahendra, S. W. Hussain, S. Mishra and A. Dandapat, "Low Match-Line Voltage Swing Technique for Content Addressable Memory," 2019 7th International Conference on Smart Computing & Communications (ICSCC), Sarawak, Malaysia, Malaysia, 2019, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICSCC.2019.8843590.
T. V. Mahendra, S. Wasmir Hussain, S. Mishra and A. Dandapat, "Performance Analysis of N-CAM, P-CAM and TG-CAM Using 45-nm Technology," 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICCS), Madurai, India, 2019, pp. 621-625, doi: 10.1109/ICCS45141.2019.9065404.
A. Gudmalwar, A. Dutta and C. V. R. Rao, "Estimation of Fundamental Frequency of Noisy Speech Signals using Correlogram based on Subband Filtering," 2019 IEEE 6th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2019, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICETAS48360.2019.9117333.
A. Dutta, G. Ashishkumar and C. V. Rama Rao, "Auditory inspired Acoustic Model for Hybrid ASR System using Gammatone based Gabor Filters," 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Ajman, United Arab Emirates, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ISSPIT47144.2019.9001859.
S. Gogoi and R. Peesapati, "Design and Implementation of low power 4 × 4/8 × 8 2DDTT architecture for image and video compression," 2019 Women Institute of Technology Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WITCON ECE), Dehradun Uttarakhand, India, 2019, pp. 200-205, doi: 10.1109/WITCONECE48374.2019.9092937.
S. J. Pinto, N. B. P, R. Peesapati and G. Panda, "Monitoring and Control of MultiBus Microgrid System Using FPGA Platform," 2019 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), Kolkata, India, 2019, pp. 260-265, doi: 10.1109/TENSYMP46218.2019.8971116.
D. I. Kaplun et al., "Hardware Implementation of Video Processing Device using Residue Number System," 2019 42nd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), Budapest, Hungary, 2019, pp. 701-704, doi: 10.1109/TSP.2019.8768827.
P. N. Babu, P. R. Bana, R. B. Peesapati and G. Panda, "An Interleaved Buck Converter Based Active Power Filter for Photovoltaic Energy Application," 2019 International Conference on Power Electronics Applications and Technology in Present Energy Scenario (PETPES), Mangalore, India, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PETPES47060.2019.9003964.
N. Babu P., R. B. Peesapati and G. Panda, "An Adaptive Current Control Technique in Grid-tied PV System with Active Power Filter for Power Quality Improvement," TENCON 2019 - 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Kochi, India, 2019, pp. 187-191, doi: 10.1109/TENCON.2019.8929487.
P. N. Babu, R. B. Peesapati and G. Panda, "A Pre-filtering based Current Control Strategy in Grid-tied Photovoltaic Systems with Active Power Filter for Harmonic Mitigation," TENCON 2019 - 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Kochi, India, 2019, pp. 1003-1008, doi: 10.1109/TENCON.2019.8929638.
S. Gogoi and R. Peesapati, "A Hybrid Motion Estimation Search Algorithm for HEVC/H.265," 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES) (Formerly iNiS), Rourkela, India, 2019, pp. 129-132, doi: 10.1109/iSES47678.2019.00037.
R. Peesapati and S. L. Sabat, "Programmable Auxiliary Co-Processing Unit for H.264 Decoder," 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES) (Formerly iNiS), Rourkela, India, 2019, pp. 172-176, doi: 10.1109/iSES47678.2019.00046.
S. Kumar, G. D. Ropmay, P. Rangababu and P. K. Rathore, "A Stress Sensitive CMOS Operational Amplifier Based Pressure Sensor with Varying Input and Gain," 2019 IEEE 9th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), Shah Alam, Malaysia, 2019, pp. 408-413, doi: 10.1109/ICSEngT.2019.8906336.
S. Kumar, G. D. Ropmay, P. Kumar Rathore and P. Rangababu, "An idea of implementing CMOS operational amplifier in summer configuration for the designing of highly sensitive pressure transducer," 2019 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electronics, Signal Processing and Communication (IESC), Shillong, India, 2019, pp. 211-214, doi: 10.1109/IESPC.2019.8902445.
J. A. Arjun and S. Majumdar, "Development of Approximate Compressor Based Hybrid Dadda Multiplier for Image De-noising Applications," 2019 IEEE 16th India Council International Conference (INDICON), Rajkot, India, 2019, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/INDICON47234.2019.9030269.
Kavita, C. Sahu and S. Majumdar, "RF parameter extraction and S-parameter analysis of junctionless silicon nanowire transistor," 2019 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electronics, Signal Processing and Communication (IESC), Shillong, India, 2019, pp. 7-12, doi: 10.1109/IESPC.2019.8902348.
M. S. Singh and A. Sarkhel, "Isolation Enhancement of Antenna Pair for Implantable Application," 2020 URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science (URSI-RCRS), Varanasi, India, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.23919/URSIRCRS49211.2020.9113627.
N. Shafi, J.S. Parmaar, A. Porwal, A.M. Bhat, C. Sahu, C. Periasamy, S. Majumdar “Back Gate Tunable Thin Film $\alpha $–Si Nanowire BioFET for pH Detection By Compatible CMOS Fabrication Process.” In2020 4th IEEE Electron Devices Technology &; Manufacturing Conference (EDTM) 2020 (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
R. U. Ahmed, P. Saha, Implementation Aspects of Multi-bit Adders using UTBSOI Transistors, in Smartcom, 2020, 24-25 January.
Department of Electrical Engineering
Siddhartha Deb Roy, Sanjoy Debbarma, Detection and Mitigation of Cyber-Attacks on AGC Systems of Low Inertia Power Grid, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 2023-2031, June 2020.
P. P. Singh and B. K. Roy, Microscopic chaos control of chemical reactor system using nonlinear active plus proportional integral sliding mode control technique, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, vol. 228, pp. 169-184, May 2019.
M. Kumar and P. P. Singh, Chaos control of a four-dimensional fundamental power system using pole placement based proportional integral sliding mode control, Int. J. of Automation and Control, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 679-697, June 2019. DOI: 10.1504/IJAAC.2019.102671
P. P. Singh and B. K. Roy, Memristor-based novel complex-valued chaotic system and its projective synchronisation using nonlinear active control technique, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, vol. 228, pp. 2197-2214, October 2019.
P. P. Singh and B. K. Roy, Inter network synchronisation of complex dynamical networks by using smooth proportional integral SMC technique, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, vol. 229, pp. 861-876, January 2020.
P. P. Singh and B. K. Roy, A novel chaotic system without equilibria, with parachute and thumb shapes of Poincare map and its projective synchronisation, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, vol. 229, pp. 1265-1278, March 2020.
Abhisekh Anand and Shaik Affijulla, Hilbert-Huang transform based fault identification and classification technique for AC power transmission line protection, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, In Press, pp. 1-16, June, 2020
Pratikanta Mishra, Atanu Banerjee, Mousam Ghosh-“FPGA Based Real-Time Implementation of Quadral-Duty Digital PWM Controlled Permanent Magnet BLDC Drive”IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 25, issue 3, DOI:10.1109/TMECH.2020.2977859, March,2020, pp 1456-1467.
ChiranjitSain, Atanu Banerjee, P K Biswas, “Modelling and Comparative Dynamic Analysis due to Demagnetization of a Torque Controlled Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive for Energy-Efficient Electric Vehicle” ISA Transactions, Elsevier (SCI), Vol.97, August,2019, pp 384-400.
ChiranjitSain, Atanu Banerjee, P K Biswas “Performance Optimization for Closed Loop Control Strategies towards Simplified Model of a PMSM Drive by Comparing with Different Classical and Fuzzy Intelligent Controller” International Journal of Automation and Control, Inderscience, Vol 14, issue 4, DOI: 10.1504/IJAAC.2020.10020855. March,2019, pp 469-493.
Narendra Babu. P, R. Peesapati and G. Panda, "An Adaptive Differentiation Frequency based Advanced Reference Current Generator in Grid-tied PV Applications," in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, doi: 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2933140.
V. N. Kumar, Narendra Babu. P, R. Kiranmayi, P. Siano and G. Panda, "Improved Power Quality in a Solar PV Plant Integrated Utility Grid by Employing a Novel Adaptive Current Regulator," in IEEE Systems Journal, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2019.2958819.
Narendra Babu. P, J. M. Guerrero, P. Siano, R. Peesapati and G. Panda, "An Improved Adaptive Control Strategy in Grid-Tied PV System With Active Power Filter for Power Quality Enhancement," in IEEE Systems Journal, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2020.2985164.
P. R. Bana, K. P. Panda, S. Padmanaban, L. Mihet-Popa, G. Panda and J. Wu, "Closed-Loop Control and Performance Evaluation of Reduced Part Count Multilevel Inverter Interfacing Grid-Connected PV System," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 75691- 75701, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2987620.
P. Panda, P. R. Bana and G. Panda, "A Switched-Capacitor Self-Balanced High-Gain Multilevel Inverter Employing a Single DC Source," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, doi: 10.1109/TCSII.2020.2975299.
P. R. Bana, K. P. Panda, R. T. Naayagi, P. Siano and G. Panda, "Recently Developed Reduced Switch Multilevel Inverter for Renewable Energy Integration and Drives Application: Topologies, Comprehensive Analysis and Comparative Evaluation," in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 54888-54909, 2019, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2913447.
K. P. Panda, S. S. Lee and G. Panda, "Reduced Switch Cascaded Multilevel Inverter With New Selective Harmonic Elimination Control for Standalone Renewable Energy System," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 7561-7574, Nov.-Dec. 2019, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2019.2904923.
K. P. Panda, P. R. Bana and G. Panda, "FPA Optimized Selective Harmonic Elimination in Symmetric–Asymmetric Reduced Switch Cascaded Multilevel Inverter," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 2862- 2870, May-June 2020, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2020.2981601.
P. R. Bana, K. P. Panda and G. Panda, "Power Quality Performance Evaluation of Multilevel Inverter With Reduced Switching Devices and Minimum Standing Voltage," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 5009- 5022, Aug. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TII.2019.2953071.
P. Garanayak, R. T. Naayagi and G. Panda, "A High-Speed Master-Slave ADALINE for Accurate Power System Harmonic and Inter-Harmonic Estimation," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 51918-51932, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2980115.
M. Patowary, G. Panda and B. C. Deka, "Reliability Modeling of Microgrid System Using Hybrid Methods in Hot Standby Mode," in IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 3111-3119, Sept. 2019, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2019.2925453.
P. Buduma, S. J. Pinto and G. Panda, "Loss of Utility Detection and Seamless Operation of Distributed Generation System," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 3149-3158, May-June 2020, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2020.2976800.
Prince, SK, Panda, KP, Panda, G. Kalman filter variant intelligent control for power quality improvement in photovoltaic active power filter system. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2020; 30:e12239.
Bana, PR, Panda, KP, Panda, G. Performance evaluation of a reduced components count single-phase asymmetric multilevel inverter with low standing voltage. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2020;e12430.
Swarnankur Ghosh, Mousam Ghosh and Supriyo Das, “Effect of Multiple Semiconducting Screens on Line Parameters and Wave Properties of Underground Cable”, IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 169371 – 169384, 2019.
Swarnankur Ghosh and Supriyo Das, “Effect of Parameteric Variations of Semiconductor Screen on Line Parameters and Wave Properties of Underground Cable”, International
Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol. 8, Issue – 4, pp. 5279 – 5287, November 2019.
S. Deb Roy and Sanjoy Debbarma, "Mitigation of Intrusions to ACE Signals in Power System Networks", IEEE PESGRE 2020, 2nd - 4th January 2020, Kerala, India.
Sanjoy Debbarma, C. Hazarika and S. Deb Roy, "SPC based approach for Frequency Control of Power Systems Penetrated with Fast Acting Reserve", 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems2019, 20th - 22nd Dec 2019, Jaipur, India.
Prakash Chandra Gupta, Atanu Banerjee and Piyush Pratap Singh, Analysis and Control of Chaotic Oscillation in FOSMIB Power System Using AISMC Technique, 5 th Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES), MNNIT Allahabad, India, May 29-31, 2019.
Piyush Pratap Singh and Binoy Krishna Roy, A novel chaotic system with parachute and thumb shapes of Poincare map, 12th Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics (CNSD), IIT Kanpur, 12-15 December, 2019.
Sugandha and Piyush Pratap Singh, A complex state variable based novel hyperchaotic system with nine equilibria, 12th Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics (CNSD), IIT Kanpur, 12-15 December, 2019.
R. Wilson, R. Gandhi, A. Kumar and R. Roy, "Design and Analysis of Twin-Rotor Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Electric Bicycle using 3D Finite Element Analysis," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2020), Cochin, India, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PESGRE45664.2020.9070706.
A. Kumar, R. Gandhi, R. Wilson and R. Roy, "Analysis of Permanent Magnet BLDC Motor Design with Different Slot Type," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy(PESGRE 2020), Cochin, India, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PESGRE45664.2020.9070532.
Mukesh Kumar and Shaik Affijulla, Estimation of Alternator Rotor Angle by using Synchronized Voltage and Current Phasors, IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), 28-29 February, 2020, Kolkata, India,.
Aniruddha Agarwal, Dallang M Momin, DonnagratiaSyndor and Shaik Affijulla, Impact Analysis of Cyber Attack under Stable State of Power System: Voltage Stability, IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 5-7 June 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh,.
Gaurav Bhatt and Shaik Affijulla, Integration of Solar Power into Electric Grid based on Voltage at Critical Contingency, IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 5-7 June 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
Avigyan Roy, Pratikanta Misra, Atanu Banerjee, “Effect of Sampling on Steady-State Time-Varying Output of DPWM Controlled Buck Converter”,IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE2020), Cochin, Kerala, 2nd -4 th January,2020.
Abhilash Sen, Atanu Banerjee, HaricharanNannam, “A comparative analysis between two DPFC models in a grid connected Hybrid Solar- Wind Generation system” ,IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE-2020), Cochin, Kerala, 2nd -4 th January,2020.
Abhilash Sen, Atanu Banerjee, HaricharanNannam, " Performance Analysis of UPFC and DPFC in a Grid Connected Hybrid Solar-Wind Generation System",11th International Exergy, Energy and Environment symposium (IEEES 11-2019), SRM University, Chennai, India, July 14-18, 2019.
Hari CharanNannam, Atanu Banerjee, “A novel fuzzy logic controlled Vienna rectifier to extract maximum power in the grid Connected wind energy system applications”, 11th International Exergy, Energy and Environment symposium (IEEES 11-2019), SRM University, Chennai, India, July 14-18, 2019.
Abhilash Sen, Atanu Banerjee, HaricharanNannam, "A comparative analysis between UPFC and DPFC in a grid connected Photovoltaic System", IEEE INCOS19, Madurai, India, April ,2019.
P. C. Gupta, A. Banerjee, P. P. Singh, - “Analysis and Control of Chaotic Oscillation in FOSMIB Power System Using AISMC Technique," in 5th Students’ Conference on Engineering and Systems, (SCES-2019) at MNNIT Allahabad, 29th -31st May, 2019.
N. Babu P., R. B. Peesapati and G. Panda, "An Adaptive Current Control Technique in Grid-tied PV System with Active Power Filter for Power Quality Improvement," TENCON 2019 - 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Kochi, India, 2019, pp. 187-191, doi: 10.1109/TENCON.2019.8929487.
P. N. Babu, P. R. Babu, B. Chittibabu and G. Panda, "Three-Phase Grid-tied Photovoltaic System with an Adaptive Current Control Scheme in Active Power Filter," 2019 IEEE 1st International Conference on Energy, Systems and Information Processing (ICESIP), Chennai, India, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICESIP46348.2019.8938367.
K. P. Panda, P. R. Bana and G. Panda, "A Single Source Switched-Capacitor Based Multilevel Inverter for Photovoltaic Application," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2020), Cochin, India, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PESGRE45664.2020.9070546.
S. K. Prince, K. P. Panda, M. Patowary and G. Panda, "FPA tuned Extended Kalman Filter for Power Quality Enhancement in PV integrated Shunt Active Power Filter," 2019 International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), NCR New Delhi, India, 2019, pp. 257-262.
P. R. Bana, K. P. Panda and G. Panda, "Novel Reduced Source Switched-Capacitor Boost Multilevel Inverter for Photovoltaic Application," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2020), Cochin, India, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PESGRE45664.2020.9070729.
K. P. Panda, P. R. Bana and G. Panda, "Design and Control of An Asymmetrical Cascaded Compact Module Multilevel Inverter for PV System," TENCON 2019 - 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Kochi, India, 2019, pp. 2616-2621, doi: 10.1109/TENCON.2019.8929608.
K. P. Panda, P. R. Bana and G. Panda, "Design and Control of A Switched-Diode Multilevel Inverter for Photovoltaic Application," 2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, Milan, Italy, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PTC.2019.8810526.
P. N. Babu, P. R. Bana, R. B. Peesapati and G. Panda, "An Interleaved Buck Converter Based Active Power Filter for Photovoltaic Energy Application," 2019 International Conference on Power Electronics Applications and Technology in Present Energy Scenario (PETPES), Mangalore, India, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PETPES47060.2019.9003964.
S. J. Pinto, N. B. P, R. Peesapati and G. Panda, "Monitoring and Control of MultiBus Microgrid System Using FPGA Platform," 2019 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), Kolkata, India, 2019, pp. 260-265, doi: 10.1109/TENSYMP46218.2019.8971116.
P. N. Babu, R. B. Peesapati and G. Panda, "A Pre-filtering based Current Control Strategy in Grid-tied Photovoltaic Systems with Active Power Filter for Harmonic Mitigation," TENCON 2019 - 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Kochi, India, 2019, pp. 1003-1008, doi: 10.1109/TENCON.2019.8929638.
Darshan Prakash Borthakur and Supriyo Das, “Understanding the Life and Ageing of XLPE Insulation considering Free Energy Barrier Concept”, IEEE 4th International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems (CATCON), November 2019, India.
Ashok Narayan Tripathi, Adnan Iqbal and Supriyo Das, “Understanding the Ageing of XLPE Cable Insulation using Impedance Analyser”, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON), November 2019, India.
B. Thangabalan and Supriyo Das, “Understanding the Flashover Characteristics across Stay Arm Insulator due to Lightning Stroke”, IEEE 11th Asia – Pacific International Conference on Lightning (APL), June 2019, Hong Kong.
R. Chakrabarty and R. Adda, "Reduced Switch Single DC Source Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter based DSTATCOM," IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019, pp. 7074-7079, doi: 10.1109/IECON.2019.8927119.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
N. Hanuman, S. Roy, T. Bose, Resonant activation of different intermodulation frequencies using dual excitations, Ultrasonics, Vol.-106, 106138, 2020.
N. Hanuman, S. Roy, T. Bose, Detection of local defect resonance intermodulation peaks using bicoherence analysis, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol.- 163, 105092, 2019.
S. Roy, T. Bose, K. Debnath, Behaviour of glass fiber-reinforced composite with delamination under Iosipescu shear test, International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies, Vol.-11(2), 119-125, 2019.
. Alom, N., and Saha, U. K., 2019. Drag and lift characteristics of a novel ellipticalbladed Savonius rotor with vent augmenters, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 141, No. 5, p. 051007.
P.J. Bezbaruah, R.S. Das, B.K. Sarkar. Overall performance analysis and GRA optimization of solar air heater with truncated half conical vortex generators. Solar Energy 196, 637-652, 2020.
P.J. Bezbaruah, R.S. Das, B.K. Sarkar. Solar air heater with finned absorber plate and helical flow path: A CFD analysis. Applied Solar Energy 56(1), 35-41, 2020.
P.J. Bezbaruah, R.S. Das, B.K. Sarkar. Thermal and fluid flow analysis of miller teeth shaped ribbed solar air heater-A CFD approach, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 78, 694-698, 2019.
S. Das, B.K. Debnath, R.S. Das, A. Stagni, T. Faravelli. Numerical investigation of a porous media combustor in a small-scale diesel engine. Energy 186, 1-15, 2019.
M. Rahang and P.K. Patowari, Pattern generation by selective area deposition of material in EDM, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 34(16), 2019, 1847-1854
Rashed Mustafa Mazarbhuiya, Hrishikesh Dutta, Kishore Debnath and Maneswar Rahang, Surface modification of CFRP composite using reverse-EDM method, Surfaces and Interfaces 18, 2020, 100457.
M. Rahang and P.K. Patowari, SELECTIVE AREA DEPOSITION FOR PATTERN GENERATION IN EDM USING MASKING TECHNIQUE, Surface Review and Letters, 1950218, 2020, DOI: 10.1142/S0218625X19502184
S. Deka, P.R. Babu and M. Rahang, 2020. A new method for force prediction in an accelerometer force balance system using support vector regression. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 42(4), pp.880-889.
Mazarbhuiya, R.M., Rahang, M. ‘Reverse EDM Process for Pattern Generation using Powder Metallurgical Green Compact Tool’, Materials and Manufacturing Process. (Accepted).
Khelkar AB, Debnath BK, & Debnath K (2020). Use of sinusoidal surface profile in the absorber tube of a parabolic trough solar collector to enhance its thermal performance. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, DOI: 10.1007/s10973- 020-09929-9.
U. Kashyap, K. Das, B. K. Debnath, U. Kashyap, S. K. Saha. Numerical study on effect of secondary surface on rectangular vortex generator. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications. 2020, Page Nos. 1-33. DOI:
A.C. Chandekar, B. K. Debnath. Effect of intake manifold design on the mixing of air and bio-CNG in a port-injected dual fuel diesel engine. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, Page Nos. 1-15. DOI: 10.1007/s10973-020-09591-1.
S. Vishwakarma, S. Roy, B. Das, and B. K. Debnath. Performance analysis of internally helically v-grooved absorber tubes using nanofluid. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2020, Vol. 18 (1), Page Nos. 100538 (1-10), DOI: 10.1016/j.tsep.2020.100538.
S. Roy, B. Das, A. Biswas, B.K. Debnath, Energy and exergy analysis of a concretebased thermal energy storage system. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, 2020, Page Nos.1-13,
H. Dutta, K. Debnath, D.K. Sarma, Improving the Performance of μED-Milling using Assisting Electrode for Fabricating Micro-Channels in CFRP Composites, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, Vol. 28, Page nos. 755-760, 2020
D. K. Sarma, S. Kr. Rajbongshi, A study in turning of AISI D2 steel with Textured and Non-textured coated carbide tool at the flank face, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, Vol. 28, Page nos. 574-581, 2020
Deba Kumar Sarma, Meinam Annebushan Singh, Machining of thin sections using multi-pass Wire Electrical Discharge Machining process, Int. J. of Machining and Machinability of Materials (IJMMM), Inderscience, Vol.22, No.1, Page Nos. 62-78, 2020
Sanjib Kr. Rajbongshi, Deba Kumar Sarma, Performance parameters studies in machining of AISI D2 steel with dot-textured, groove-textured & non-textured cutting tool at the flank
face, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol.83, Page Nos-1-16, September 2019
Hrishikesh Dutta, Kishore Debnath, Deba Kumar Sarma, A Study of Material Removal and Surface Characteristics in Micro-Electrical Discharge Machining of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics, Polymer Composite, Willey, Vol.40, No.10, Page Nos. 4033-4041, 2019
Sanjib Kr. Rajbongshi, Deba Kumar Sarma, A comparative study in prediction of surface roughness & flank wear using artificial neural network & response surface methodology method during hard turning in dry and forced air-cooling condition, Int. J. of Machining and Machinability of Materials (IJMMM), Inderscience, Vol. 21, Nos. 5/6, Page Nos.- 390-436, 2019
U. Kashyap, K. Das, B.K. Debnath, U. Kashyap, S.K. Saha, Effect of Secondary Surface on Rectangular Vortex Generator: Numerical and Experimental Study, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications: ASME,, 2020
A. Ranjan, S. S. Yadav, K. Das, Thermal and flow analysis of split drop shaped pin fins for improved heat transfer rate, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India) Series C, 101, 375–382(2020)
U. Kashyap, K. Das, B. K. Debnath, Numerical and experimental study of effect of secondary surfaces fixed over a rectangular vortex generator, Journal of Thermal Sciences and Engineering Applications: ASME, 061003-1-12 (11) 2019.
P. Venkaiah & B. K. Sarkar, Hydraulically actuated horizontal axis wind turbine pitch control by model free adaptive controller, Renewable Energy, 147, 55-68, 2020.
S. Mohapatra, A. K. Behera, R. Mahapatra, H. Das, A deterministic inventory model in reverse supply chain,Journal of Modelling in Management,15,318-338,2019
S. Mohapatra, A. K. Behera, R. Mahapatra, H. Das, M. Pradhan, A deterministic inventory model of aluminium refreshment cans in reverse supply chain, International journal of services and operations management, (Accepted May 2019).
A Rout, D Bbvl, BB Biswal, GB Mahanta, A fuzzy-regression-PSO based hybrid method for selecting welding conditions in robotic gas metal arc welding, Assembly Automation.
A Das, SR Das, SK Patel, BB Biswal, Effect of MQL and nanofluid on the machinability aspects of hardened alloy steel, Machining Science and Technology 24 (2), 291-320
GB Mahanta, A Rout, DBB V. L, BB Biswal, An improved multi-objective antlion optimization algorithm for the optimal design of the robotic gripper, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 32 (2), 309-338
BM Gunji, B Deepak, BB Biswal, Effect of Considering Secondary Parts as Primary Parts for Robotic Assembly Using Stability Graph, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 45 (2), 743-764
A Rout, GB Mahanta, D Bbvl, BB Biswal, Kinematic and Dynamic Optimal Trajectory Planning of Industrial Robot Using Improved Multi-objective Ant Lion Optimizer, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, 1-11
A Das, SR Das, SK Patel, BB Biswal, Experimental investigation of various machining attributes and cost estimation during machining of hardened AISI 4340 steel with untreated and cryo treated cermet inserts, Mechanics & Industry 21 (1), 110
OP Sahu, BB Biswal, Sensor Integrated Robotic Hand for Industrial Application, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 9 (1 …
A Das, SK Patel, BB Biswal, N Sahoo, A Pradhan, Performance evaluation of various cutting fluids using MQL technique in hard turning of AISI 4340 alloy steel, Measurement 150, 107079
A Rout, B Deepak, BB Biswal, GB Mahanta, Optimal trajectory planning of industrial robot for improving positional accuracy, Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application
A Rout, D Bbvl, BB Biswal, Optimal trajectory generation of an industrial welding robot with kinematic and dynamic constraints, Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application
S Panda, D Mishra, BB Biswal, An approach for design optimization of 3R manipulator using Adaptive Cuckoo Search algorithm, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 1-26
A Das, O Pradhan, SK Patel, SR Das, BB Biswal, Performance appraisal of various nanofluids during hard machining of AISI 4340 steel, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 46, 248-270
S Datta, BB Biswal, Experimental studies on electro-discharge machining of Inconel 825 super alloy using cryogenically treated tool/workpiece, Measurement 145, 611- 630
GB Murali, B Deepak, MVA Raju, BB Biswal, Optimal robotic assembly sequence planning using stability graph through stable assembly subset identification, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …
A Das, SK Patel, BB Biswal, SR Das, Performance evaluation of aluminium oxide nano particles in cutting fluid with MQL technique in turning of hardened AISI 4340 alloy steel, Scientia Iranica
A Das, SK Patel, BB Biswal, SR Das, Machinability investigation and cost estimation during finish dry hard turning of AISI 4340 steel with untreated and cryo treated cermet inserts, Journal of Superhard Materials 41 (4), 247-264
GB Mahanta, A Rout, B Deepak, BB Biswal, Application of Meta-Heuristic Optimization Techniques for Design Optimization of a Robotic Gripper, International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC) 10 (3), 107-133
BK Khamari, SS Dash, SK Karak, BB Biswal, Effect of welding parameters on mechanical and microstructural properties of GMAW and SMAW mild steel joints, Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 1-8
B Deepak, G Bala Murali, MVAR Bahubalendruni, BB Biswal, Assembly sequence planning using soft computing methods: a review, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of …
Alom N, and Saha U. K., 2019. Determining the optimal location of vent augmenters in an elliptical-bladed Savonius rotor, Paper No. GTIndia2019-2344, ASME Gas Turbine India Conference, December 05 – 06, Chennai, India.
Alom N, Das R, and Saha U. K., 2019. Optimization of aerodynamic parameters of an elliptical-Bladed Savonius wind rotor using multi-objective genetic algorithm, Paper No. GTIndia2019-2346, ASME Gas Turbine India Conference, December 05 – 06, Chennai, India.
Alom N, Das R, and Saha U. K., 2019. A Differential Evolution-Based Inverse Method to Optimize Blade Configurations in Elliptical-Bladed Savonius Wind Turbines, Paper No. GTIndia2019-2352, ASME Gas Turbine India Conference, December 05 – 06, Chennai, India.
Alom, N., Kumar, N., and Saha, U. K., 2019. Analyzing the effect of shaft and endplates of a newly developed elliptical-bladed Savonius rotor from wind tunnel tests, Paper No. OMAE2019-95570, ASME 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, June 9-14, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
T. Bose, N. Hanuman, Fully acoustic non-destructive testing (NDT) for carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) plate, SINCE 2019, Period- 4-5 December, PlaceSingapore, 2019.
S. Roy, T. Bose, K. Debnath, Nonlinear Ultrasonic Wave Spectroscopy for Detecting Local Defect Resonance Frequency in Delaminated GLARE Plate, IWSHM 2019, Period- 10-12 September, Place- Stanford University, 2019.
N. Hanuman, T. Bose, Bicoherence based study of non-linear intermodulation in delaminated CFRP plate, Conference & Exhibition of the society for NDT (NDE 2019), Period: 5-7 December, Place: Bangalore, 2019.
S. Majumder, A. Ghosh, D. N. Basu, G. Natarajan, Development of an IB-TLB solver for fluid-particle interaction in energy management systems, International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology (SEGT 2019), IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciences, 463 (2020), 0120144.
Mazarbhuiya, R. M. and Rahang, M., 2019, March. Parametric Optimization in Photochemical Machining of Aluminium Using Taguchi Method. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 491, No. 1, p. 012033). IOP Publishing.
Mazarbhuiya, R. M. and Rahang, M., 2020. Multi-objective Optimization of Photochemical Machining Parameters Using Taguchi Grey Relational Analysis. In Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 283-291). Springer, Singapore.
Mazarbhuiya, R. M. and Rahang, M., 2020. Parametric Study of Photochemical Machining of Aluminium Using Taguchi Approach. In Advances in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 497-504). Springer, Singapore.
Mazarbhuiya, R. M. and Rahang, M., Surface Modification of Aluminium and its Parametric Optimization using Grey Relational Analysis. Materials today Proceedings.
Mazarbhuiya, R. M. and Rahang, M., Deposition of Tungsten and Copper Particle on CFRP Composite. (ICRAME 2020)
Deka, S., Babu, P.R. and Rahang, M., 2019. Dynamic calibration of a stress wave force balance under various supports and loads using finite element analysis. In the 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW 32) during 14th to 19th July 2020 at NUS Singapore.
Deka, S., Babu, P.R. and Rahang, M., 2019. Dynamic Calibration of a Single Component accelerometer force balance under application of impulse loads. In International Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC), during December 28-31, 2019, Place - IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India
Deka, S., Babu, P.R. and Rahang, M., 2020. Influence of stress bar length on the response of a stress wave force balance using finite element analysis. International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME-2020), during 10-11th January 2020.
Deka, S., Babu, P.R. and Rahang, M., 2020. Finite element analysis on the effect of the cross sectional shape on the response of a stress wave force balance. In 6th National Symposium on Shock Waves (NSSW-2020), held from 26-28 February 2020.
Md. A. Ansari, B. K. Debnath, and T. Bose, Measurement of the extent of cavitation using vibration monitoring in a Francis turbine, 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2019), Period - December 28-31,
2019, Place - IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India.,7a56f09f53571cac,4f6 3e7d857012f7e.html
S. Das, B. K. Debnath, and R. S. Das, Effect on combustion behaviour in the presence of ceramic porous materials on the piston bowl of a diesel engine, 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2019), Period -December 28-31, 2019, Place - IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India.,7a56f09f53571cac,775 89e5408394c7b.html
H. Dutta, K. Debnath, D.K. Sarma, Improving the Performance of μED-Milling using Assisting Electrode for Fabricating Micro-Channels in CFRP Composites, 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (IMMT 2019), Period 20-11-2019 to 22-11-2019, BITS PILANI, Dubai Campus, UAE, Page -6, 2019
D. K. Sarma, S. Kr. Rajbongshi, A study in turning of AISI D2 steel with Textured and Non-textured coated carbide tool at the flank face, 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (IMMT 2019), Period 20-11-2019 to 22-11-2019, BITS PILANI, Dubai Campus, UAE, Page -6, 2019
S. Kr. Rajbongshi, D. K. Sarma, Application of Taguchi’s orthogonal array and overall evaluation criteria in turning of AISI D2 steel in dry and forced air-cooled environment, 1 st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ICETME-2018), department of Mechanical Engineering, Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute of Technology, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India, Period 20-12- 2018 to 22-12-2018, Proceedings published in Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., Page -177-185, 2020
A. Das, R. S. Das, K. Das, Investigation on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass transfer Characteristics in a LiCl-H2O Falling Film Absorber, 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, December 28-31, 2019, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India.
Bezbaruah, P.J., Kumar, R., Das, R.S., “Thermohydraulic performance analysis of solar air heater with helical roughness,” Proceedings of the 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer conference (IHMTC-2019), pp. 233-237.
U. Kashyap, K. Das, B. K. Debnath, U. Kashyap, S. K. Saha, Helicity Density Study of Rectangular Vortex Generator with Secondary Surfaces over It, 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, December 28- 31, 2019, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India.
A. Sahoo, S. K. Dwivedy, and P. S. Robi, “Development of a PID Control Strategy for a Compact autonomous underwater vehicle,” in Proceedings of the ASME 38th
International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2019), June 9-14, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland.
N Kumar, BK Sarkar, S Maity, Leakage Based Condition Monitoring and Pressure Control of the Swashplate Axial Piston Pump, Gas Turbine India Conference, December, 2019, IIT Chennai, India
P Venkaiah, BK Sarkar, Modelling and Control of the Hydraulically Actuated Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Pitch System, Gas Turbine India Conference, December, 2019, IIT Chennai, India.
J, Vinod1 , P. Kumar1 and B. K. Sarkar, Modelling of the multiple Francis turbine by velocity diagram for speed control application, The 10th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Pattaya, Thailand, 10th – 13rd December 2019,
L. Kushwaha1 , P. Venkaiah1 and B. K. Sarkar, Performance analysis of vertical axis wind turbine with optimised pitch angle variation, The 10th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Pattaya, Thailand, 10th – 13rd December 2019.
Department of Civil Engineering
Year 2020
Hopeful Syiemiong and Comingstarful Marthong (2020). “Effect of mortar grade on the uniaxial compression strength of low-strength hollow concrete block masonry prisms" Material Today: Proceedings, 28 (2020) 842–845.
KH Lepcha, AL Marbaniang, ML Patton, A Khyriemmujat, Behaviour and Design of Lean Duplex Stainless Steel (LDSS) Beams with Web Openings Under Pure Bending, International Journal of Steel Structures, Springer, Vol.-17, 1052–1068, 20.
K. Bora, H. M. Kalita, A semi-coupled model for morphological flow simulation in river bend, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol.- 13, Issue No.- 5, Page No1611-1622, 2020
H. M. Kalita, A simple and efficient numerical model for simulatingone dimensional dam break flows, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol.- 10, Issue No.- 1, Page No- 1-16, 2020.
Kaushik, S and Siddagangaiah, A.K.,“Characterization of cement grouted bituminous mixes using marginal aggregates”, Road Materials and Pavement Design, Taylor & Francis (Under review).
Gidon, J.S., Sahoo, S. Rainfall-Induced Slope Failures and Use of Bamboo as a Remedial Measure: A Review. Indian Geotech J (2020).
S Das, S Dutta, C Putcha, S Majumdar, D Adak, A Data-Driven Physics-Informed Method for Prognosis of Infrastructure Systems: Theory and Application to Crack Prediction, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 2020, 6 (2), 04020013 – 04020019
Year 2019
Comingstarful Marthong (2019). “Rehabilitation of exterior RC beam-column connections using epoxy resin injection and FRP wrapping”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Techno Press. 72(6), pp. 723-736.
Comingstarful Marthong (2019). "Behavior of repaired RAC beam-column joints using steel welded wire mesh jacketed with cement mortar” Advance Concrete Construction, Techno Press, 8(2), pp. 91-100.
Hopeful Syiemiong, Comingstarful Marthong (2019). "Effect of moisture on the compressive strength of low-strength hollow concrete blocks". Computer and Concrete, Techno Press. 23(4), pp. 267-272.
d. Comingstarful Marthong (2019). “Rehabilitation of exterior RC beam-column connections using epoxy resin injection and galvanized steel wire mesh”, Earthquake and Structures, Techno Press. 16 (3), pp. 253-263.
K. Bora, H. M. Kalita, Determination of best groyne combination for mitigating bank erosion, Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol.- 21, Issue No.- 5, Page No- 875-892, 2019
H Song, J Wang, A Garg, X Lin, Q Zheng, S Sharma(2019) Potential of Novel Biochars Produced from Invasive Aquatic Species Outside Food Chain in Removing Ammonium Nitrogen: Comparison with Conventional Biochars and Clinoptilolite, Sustainability 11 (24), 7136- 7156.
D. Podder, O.P. Gupta, S. Das, N.R. Mandal, Experimental and numerical investigation of effect of welding sequence on distortion of stiffened panels, Welding in the World, 3rd June, 2019,
H.S. Chouhan, P. Kalla, R. Nagar, P.K. Gautam, Gainful utilization of dimensional limestone waste as fine aggregate in cement mortar mixes, Constr. Build. Mater. 221 (2019) 363–374.
H. Singh Chouhan, P. Kalla, R. Nagar, P. Kumar Gautam, Influence of dimensional stone waste on mechanical and durability properties of mortar: A review, Constr. Build. Mater. 227 (2019) 116662.
Sahoo S., Manna B., Sharma K.G. (2019) Seismic Response of a Steep Nailed Soil Slope: Shaking Table Test and Numerical Studies. In: Sundaram R., Shahu J., Havanagi V. (eds)
Geotechnics for Transportation Infrastructure. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 28. Springer, Singapore. (DOI: 981-13-6701-4_39),(Print ISBN978-981-13-6700-7, Online ISBN978-981-13-6701- 4)
Dibyendu Adak, Saroj Mandal, Strength and Durability Performance of Fly Ash– Based Process-Modified Geopolymer Concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, © ASCE, 2019, 31 (9), 04019174-1 to 04019174-8.
Moumita Maiti, Manas Sarkar, Shilang Xu, Sukhen Das, Dibyendu Adak, Soumen Maiti, Application of silica nanoparticles to develop faujasite nanocomposite for heavy metal and carcinogenic dye degradation, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 38 (S1), S15-S23.
Year 2020
Umesh, R., Kumar S., and Sharma, H. “Finite element analysis of hybrid composite materials under the ballistic impact” Second ASCE conference on CRSIDE 2020 (Accepted)
Umesh, R., Kumar S., and Sharma, H. “Progress and Evolution in Fatigue studies of Advanced Composite Materials” Second ASCE conference on CRSIDE 2020 (Accepted)
Umesh, R., Kumar S., and Sharma, H. “Blast Induced Brain Traumatic Injury: Current progress and challenges” 6th national symposium on shock waves 2020, IIT Madras, (Accepted)
Kaushik, S., Bairagi, S., Siddagangaiah, A.K.;“Moisture susceptibility assessment of cement and RBI-81 stabilized soils”,2nd ASCE conference in India on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies, Novotel Kolkata Hotel and Residences, Kolkata, India, March 02 - 04, 2020.
Kaushik, S., Prodhani,S.I., Siddagangaiah, A.K.“Characterization of a clayey soil using the cyclic CBR test”,2nd ASCE conference in India on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies, Novotel Kolkata Hotel and Residences, Kolkata, India, March 02 - 04, 2020.
Year 2019
Jaswanth G., Kumar S., Kumar A., and Sharma H., “Numerical technique for prestressing post-tensioning members subjected to missile impact load,” Proceedings of ICCMS 2019, IIT Mandi, India
Chakraborty R, Dey Arindam, “Effect of Spatial Variation of Soil on Probabilistic Slope Stability Analysis for Cut Slopes”, In proceedings of International Conference on Landslide and Slope Stabilty (SLOPE 2019), Bali, Indonesia, 2019.
J Sharailin Gidon and Smrutirekha Sahoo (2019). “Stability of slope during rainfall: A finite element approach.” Seventh Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, Silchar, India, March 15-16, 209-214.
Kruthi Kiran Ramagiri, Darshan Chauhan, Shashank Gupta, ArkamitraKar, Dibyendu Adak, EvaluationofStructural Performance of Concrete with Ambient Cured Alkali-Activated Binders, SECON 2019: Proceedingsof SECON'19 pp 1-10.
Dr. Ganesh Ch Dhal, RAEEHS -2019, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan Deemedto be University Bhubaneswar-751030, Odisha, India
Department of Physics
Mesomorphic, electro-optic and dielectric behaviour of a semi-fluorinated chiral liquid crystalline material forming polar smectic phases, D Gupta, P Kula, A Bhattacharjee, Journal of Molecular Structure, 128557, 2020
Detailed investigation of N-(4-n-pentyl-oxybenzylidene)-4′-n-hexylaniline liquid crystal moleculeD Gupta, A Bhattacharjee, Journal of Molecular Structure 1196, 66- 77, 2019
Comparative Raman study of two laterally fluorinated LC compounds having different terminal chains, M Lyndem, R Dabrowski, A Bhattacharjee, Liquid Crystals 46 (7), 1145-1155, 2019
Raman and FTIR Study of a 2, 3'-difluoro-4''-isothiocyanato-4-propyl-1, 1': 4', 1''- terphenyl compound or C3P (3F) P (3F) P-NCS, M Lyndem, A Bhattacharjee, R Dabrowski, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 681 (1), 45-57, 2019
Experimental and DFT generated Raman study of two bent-core monomeric liquid crystalline compounds, D Bhattacharjee, R Mishra, R Dabrowski, A Bhattacharjee, Liquid Crystals 46 (3), 367-375, 2019
Temperature-dependent Raman study of pure and silver nanoparticles dispersed N-(4- n-heptyloxybenzylidene)-4’-n-butylaniline (7O. 4), R Mishra, A Bhattacharjee, D Bhattacharjee, KN Singh, PR Alapati, Liquid Crystals 46 (3), 327-339, 2019
Cosmological Dark Matter in a Conformal Model, PrasenjitSanyal, Alekha C. Nayak, Gopal Kashyap, and Pankaj Jain, Phys. Rev. D 100 (11), 115032, 2019. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.100.115032
Baryon-Dark matter interaction in presence of magnetic fields in light of EDGES signal, Jitesh R. Bhatt, Pravin K Natwariya, Alekha C. Nayak, Arun Kumar Pandey, Eur.Phys.J.C 80 (4), 334, 2020. DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-7886-x
. Role of fluid mechanical effects in activating phase transition of laser induced TiO2 nanoparticles, P. Sharma and A. Nath, Laser Physics (accepted), 2020.
Tribedi Bora, Particle size effect on the suppression of ferromagnetism in Nd0.8K0.2MnO3, Accepted for AIP Conference Proceeding.
P. Deb, P. K. Baruah, A. Khare and A. Nath, "Laser Induced Cavitation Bubble Dynamics from Twin Breakdown Sites," 2019 Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP), Guwahati, India, 2019, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1109/WRAP47485.2019.9013922.
Department of Chemistry
International Journals
S. Rana, S. Sarmah, A. Singha Roy, K. S. Ghosh*, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics (Accepted article), 2020, DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2020.1738960.
S. Das, Z. Hazarika, S. Sarmah, K. Baruah, M. A. Rohman, D. Paul, A. N. Jha, A. Singha Roy*, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, (Accepted Article), 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2020.111825.
S. Sarmah, S. Pahari, S. Das, V. K. Belwal, M. Jana*, A. Singha Roy*, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics (Accepted article), 2020, DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2019.1711196.
S. Das, S. Sarmah, Z. Hazarika, M. A. Rohman, P. Sarkhel, A. N. Jha, A. Singha Roy*, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Accepted article), 2020, DOI: 10.1039/C9CP05301H.
S. Das, S. Sarmah, A. Singha Roy*, New Journal of Chemistry (Accepted article), 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9NJ03938D.
S. Das, S. Pahari, S. Sarmah, M.A. Rohman, D. Paul, M. Jana*, A. Singha Roy*, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21, 12649-12666. DOI: 10.1039/C9CP01128E.
N. K. Nath*, P. Gupta, P. J. Hazarika, N. Deka, A. Mukherjee and G. K. Dutta*, Crystal Growth & Design, 2019, 19, 6033-6038.
Poonam Gupta, Sumair A. Rather, Binoy K. Saha, Tamas Panda, Durga Prasad Karothu, and Naba K. Nath*, Crystal Growth & Design, 2020, 20, 5, 2847–2852.
N. Deka, J. Barman, S. Kasthuri, V. Nutalapati* and G. K. Dutta*, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2020, 511, 145576.
. N. K. Nath*, P. Gupta, P. J. Hazarika, N. Deka, A. Mukherjee and G. K. Dutta*, Crystal Growth & Design, 2019, 19, 6033-6038.
. G. K. Dutta*, S. Kasthuri, G. Marappan, S. V. Jayaraman, Y. Sivalingam, C. Di Natale and V. Nutalapati*, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9TC02226K.
N. Deka, J. Barman, J. Deka, K. Raidongia and G. K. Dutta*, ChemElectroChem, 2019, 6, 3327-3336
D. Paul, A. Borah, S. Khatua, P. N. Chatterjee*, Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2019, 8 (10), 1870-1878.
D. Paul, S. Khatua, P. N. Chatterjee*, New Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 43, 10056- 10065.
M. L. Sawkmie, D. Paul, S. Khatua, P. N. Chatterjee*, Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2019, 131:51.
M. L. Sawkmie, D. Paul, G. Kalita, K. Agarwala, P. K. Maji, P. N. Chatterjee*, Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 2019, 56 (12), 3277-3288.
H. Mahanta, D. Baishya, Sk. S. Ahamed, and A. K. Paul*, Accepted in J. Chem. Phys. A 123, 5019-5026 (2019).
S. S. Ahamed, H. Mahanta, A. K. Paul*, Chem. Phys. Letts. 730, 630-633
S. S. Ahamed, H. Mahanta, A. K. Paul*, J. Phys. Chem. A 123, 10663–10675 (2019)
S. Rudra, R. Chakraborty, P. K. Maji, S. Koley, A. K. Nayak, D. Paul and M. Pradhan, Electrochim. Acta, 2019, 324, 134865-134879.
S. S. Singha, S. Rudra, S. Mondal, M. Pradhan, A. K. Nayak, B. Satpati, P. Pal, K. Das, A. Singha, Electrochim. Acta, 2020, 338, 135815-135827.
Department of Mathematics
A. Bhandari, D. Borah and S. Mukherjee, “Characterizations of Weaving KFrames”, Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci., Vol. 96 (5), pp.39–43, 2020.
A. Bhandari and S. Mukherjee, “Characterizations of Woven Frames”, to be appeared in Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolution Inf. Process., DOI: 10.1142/S0219691320500332,
A. Bhandari and S. Mukherjee, “Atomic Subspaces for Operators”, to be appeared in Indian J. Pure Appl. Math, Springer.
G. Gopi Krishna, Srinivas Jangili, S.R. Mishra, S. Sreenadh, Numerical Investigation of entropy generation in microporous channel with thermal radiation and buoyancy force, Indian Journal of Physics (Springer), 93(11), pp. 1465–1476, 2019.
Debraj Roy and Tikaram Subedi, “Generalized semicommutative rings”, Vestnik St..Peters. Univ. Math, Vol 53, pp 68-76, 2020
Debraj Roy and Tikaram Subedi, “On a generalization of reversible rings”, An. Stiint. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi. Mat. (N.S.) Tomul LXV, 2019, f. 2
Debraj Roy and Tikaram Subedi, “On semireversible rings”, To be appeared in Asian European Journal of Mathematics
Tikaram Subedi and Debraj Roy, “On a common generalization of symmetric rings and quasi duo rings”, To be appeared in Algebra and Discrete Mathematics.
B Ghosh, OL Zhdanova, B Barman, EY Frisman, Dynamics of stage-structure predator-prey systems under density-dependent effect and mortality, Ecological Complexity 41, 100812, 2020.
D Pal, TK Kar, A Yamauchi, B Ghosh, Balancing maximum sustainable yield and ecological resilience in an exploited two-predator one-prey system, Biosystems 187, 104064, 2020.
D Pal, B Ghosh, TK Kar, Hydra effects in stable food chain models, Biosystems 185, 104018, 2019.
GP Neverova, OL Zhdanova, B Ghosh, EY Frisman, Dynamics of a discrete-time stage-structured predator–prey system with Holling type II response function, Nonlinear dynamics 98 (1), pp. 427-446, 2019.
B Barman, B Ghosh, Explicit impacts of harvesting in delayed predator-prey models, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 122, 213-228, 2019.
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
R. Lyngwa, P. S. Mangang, ‘Communicating and Resisting Oppression: Using Drama for Communication Skills and Social Consciousness in Language Classrooms’, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol.8, Issue.3S2, October 2019.
R. Lyngwa, P. S. Mangang, ‘Constructing Indigenous Oppression and Resistance in Tendulkar’s Encounter in Umbugland’, RELIGACIÓN Revista de CienciasSociales y Humanidades. Vol.4, Issue.19, September 2019.
List of Presentations in Conferences:
A. Ashangbam, ‘The Drowned and the Saved: Testimony to Historical Discernment’, ELCC-2019, Manipur University, 22nd & 23rd November 2019.
A. Bhowmick, ‘Depiction of Disability in Greek Mythology’, ELCC-2019, Manipur University, 22nd & 23rd November 2019.
R. Lyngwa, ‘Conflict of Ideologies: Ambedkar Versus Gandhi in Tendulkar's Kanyadaan’, International Conference on Interdisciplinarity - Intersections of Literature and History for Social and Cultural Change (COIN-2019), NIT Meghalaya, 19th& 20th October 2019.
A. Ashangbam, P. S. Mangang, ‘Quest of Masculine Identity in Primo Levi's If This is a Man’, International Conference on Interdisciplinarity - Intersections of Literature and History for Social and Cultural Change (COIN-2019), NIT Meghalaya, 19th & 20th October 2019.
A. Bhowmick, ‘The Depiction of Disability in Indian Mythology’, International Conference on Interdisciplinarity - Intersections of Literature and History for Social and Cultural Change (COIN-2019), NIT Meghalaya, 19th& 20th October 2019.
A. Ashangbam, P. S. Mangang, ‘To be and not to be: A Discourse on Guilt and Resentment in Primo Levi’s The Drowned and the Saved’ (Poster Presentation) in the Research Conclave held at NIT Meghalaya on 28th February 2020.