Online bids are invited from NationalInstitute of Technology, Meghalaya for Supply and installation…
Online bids are invited from National Institute of Technology meghalaya for Supply & Installation…
NIT Meghalaya invites sealed tenders in a two bid system from individuals/firms having interest and…
NIT Meghalaya invites quotations for supply of Jacket for the Cognitia (2022) NIT Meghalaya as per details…
On behalf of the Director, National Institute of Technology Meghalaya, limited tenders are invited from…
NIT Meghalaya invites sealed tenders in a two bid system from individuals/firms having interest and…
On behalf of the Director, National Institute of Technology Meghalaya, limited tenders are invited from…
NIT Meghalaya invites quotations for erecting of pandal and for supply of furniture, lighting &…