Ref. No.NITMGH/AA/Post-doc-Admission/2022-23/922 Dated: 04/05/2023
National Institute of Technology (NIT) Meghalaya invites applications to admit young researchers as Institute Post-doctoral Fellows (IPDFs) and Sponsored Post-doctoral Fellows (SPDFs) under Post-doctoral scheme. The Post-Doctoral Fellowship Programme aims to identify and motivate young researchers and provide them support for research in frontier areas of science and engineering.
Post-Doctoral Fellowship Scheme:
The Institute shall admit Post-doctoral fellows under two following categories:
(a) “Institute Post-Doctoral Fellows (IPDF)” means a Post-doctoral Fellow, who is admitted to Postdoctoral Programme of NIT Meghalaya through the procedures adopted by Institute and avails Fellowship from the Institute fund.
(b) “Sponsored Post-Doctoral Fellow(SPDF)”means a Post-Doctoral Fellow, who is admitted to Post-Doctoral Programme of NIT Meghalaya through the procedures adopted by the Institute and avails Fellowships from any recognized funding agencies like SERB,CSIR, DST etc of the Government of India.
Research Area offered
Electronics & Communication Engineering
VLSI, Memory Design, VLSI Design, RF and Microwave Engineering, Architectures Embedded FPGA Systems, Internet of Things, Machine Learning on System on Chip
Electrical Engineering
Seamless operation of AC/DC Microgrid with optimal power management, Power Electronics & Drives
Mechanical Engineering
Processing of Composite Materials, 3D Printing, Machining and Characterization of Materials,
Dynamics and Control, Renewable Energy Systems (Wind, Hydro, Solar Thermal), Robotics and Mechatronics, Computational and Experimental Studies on Solar Still, Detection and Analysis of Engine Vibration in Alternative Fuel Run Automotive Engine,
Solar Thermal Collectors, Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning(HVAC) Systems, Heat and Mass Exchangers
Chemistry (CY)
Proteins and Nucleic Acids, Biocompatabile Nanoparticles, Quantum Dots, Hydrogel
Eligibility for Applying Under Post-Doctoral fellowship Scheme:
The applicant must have obtained the Ph.D degree from a reputed Institute within the preceding two years from the last date of an application against the advertisement. In addition, the scholar should have secured first class or equivalent grades in the preceding degrees.
The applicant should have published at least 3 research papers in SCI/SCIE/SSCI journals out of their own doctoral research work to their credit as the first author.
A Ph.D degree holder from NIT Meghalaya is eligible to apply only after gaining one year of post-Ph.D. relevant experience.
The upper age limit for the fellowship is 35 years at the time of the submission of application.
General Instructions and Information
Candidates shall be governed as per Post-Doctoral Regulations of NIT Meghalaya (refer below link).
General/OBC candidates are required to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) and for SC/ST candidates, a non-refundable application fee of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred only). PwD candidates are completely exempted from paying the application fee. The application fee is not refundable under any circumstances. Check step I for payment process.
Depending upon the number of applications received and vacancy available, the Institute reserves the right to fix higher eligibility criteria for shortlisting of the candidates for selection process.
The status regarding the selection of candidates for the admission to the Post Doctoral Programme will be available at institute website ( Selected candidates will be informed through email in respect of admission guidelines.
Eligibility for Applying Under Post-Doctoral fellowship Scheme:
The applicant must have obtained the Ph.D degree from a reputed Institute within the preceding two years from the last date of an application against the advertisement. In addition, the scholar should have secured first class or equivalent grades in the preceding degrees
The applicant should have published at least 3 research papers in SCI/SCIE/SSCI journals out of their own doctoral research work to their credit as the first author.
A Ph.D degree holder from NIT Meghalaya is eligible to apply only after gaining one year of post-Ph.D. relevant experience.
The upper age limit for the fellowship is 35 years at the time of the submission of application.
General Instructions and Information
How to Apply:
STEP-I: Candidates are advised to make the application fee payment as per category (Rs. 1000/ for Gen/OBC, Rs. 500/- for SC/ST and no fee for PWD).
Fees once paid are not refundable under any circumstances.
STEP-II :Fill the online application form. After submission, print out of the online application form to be sent by email along with all scanned documents.
STEP:-1: Instructions for Payment Process using State Bank Collect (SBI Collect):
Click on “Make Payment using SBI Collect” below.
In the search tab type ‘NIT MEGHALAYA’.
A page for details of payment will open. Under Select Payment Category, select APPLICATION FEES.
Please read the complete page carefully.
A page to verify details and confirm this transaction will appear. Click on the CONFIRM button if your details are correct.
You will be directed to payment page
Complete the payment process by selecting the mode of payment that you wish.
Save Reference number and date of payment for filling the online Application.
STEP II: Submission of online Application Form:
Click on the online application form link,(Online form)
Fill your details completely and upload all the necessary documents.
If a candidate is applying for more than one department, the candidate must pay application fee separately to both applications and choose the desired departments in the online application form.
Candidates are advised to check the application in all aspects before pressing the submit button. Once the application is submitted, it cannot be modified.
Finally, save a copy of the generated online form for submitting as mentioned below.
Incomplete application, application received without Payment Receipt or without the academic documents as stated below shall be summarily rejected without any explanation.
The generated online form along with soft copy of the documents mentioned at pt 7 should be emailed to, subject of the mail should be “IPDF/SPDF application form of (Your Name), (Dept applied) for (Post Doc Scheme)”.
The following documents (whichever is applicable) should be enclosed along with the printout of online application form:
A recent photograph of the candidate is to be fixed on space provided in the application.
Application fee receipt
Statement of Purpose (SoP) indicating the area and type of research work he/ she proposes to carry out.
Educational qualifications, mark sheets and certificates in line with the filled online application form
Caste certificate (SC/ST/OBC) in standard format issued by the Competent Authority. OBC certificate should be latest.
Sponsorship Certificate in the prescribed format (In case of SPDF candidates)
Self attested copy (1st page) of all research publications in Journals and Conferences (if any).
Disability certificate in standard format (in case of PWD candidates) issued by the Competent Authority.
Important Dates:
Last date of filling online application (up to 5:00 PM)
Notification of Shortlisted Candidates
To be announced
Presentation 1st round
Presentation 2nd round
Display of Final Selected Candidates
Note: If any of the above specified dates is declared as holidays, consequently the next working day is considered as last date.
For queries, you can contact below :
Email -
Telephone no 0364-2501169 (10 am to 5 pm on working days only)
Assistant Registrar (Academic Affairs)