7005070082, 8107608807
Journal Publications
>A. Paul, H. Kumari, R. Snaitang, P.K. Gautam, S. Majumdar, Microwave Imaging and Non-Destructive Testing of Bituminous Mix Binder-Aggregate Behavior Using Log-Periodic Feedline-Based Microstrip Filter, NDT. (2024) 347–362.
>Amartya Paul, Gaurav Bhargava, Pradeep Kumar Gautam, S.M., 2024. Non-Destructive Evaluation of Strength and Porosity of Bituminous Mixes Using Log Periodic. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 10.
>Chouhan, H.S., Kalla, P., Nagar, R., Gautam, P.K., and Arora, A.N., 2020. Investigating use of dimensional limestone slurry waste as fine aggregate in mortar. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 22 (3), 2223–2245.
>Chouhan, H.S., Kalla, P., Nagar, R., and Gautam, P.K., 2019. Gainful utilization of dimensional limestone waste as fine aggregate in cement mortar mixes. Construction and Building Materials, 221, 363–374.
>Singh Chouhan, H., Kalla, P., Nagar, R., and Kumar Gautam, P., 2019. Influence of dimensional stone waste on mechanical and durability properties of mortar: A review. Construction and Building Materials, 227, 116662.
>Gautam, P.K., Kalla, P., Nagar, R., Agrawal, R., and Jethoo, A.S., 2018. Laboratory investigations on hot mix asphalt containing mining waste as aggregates. Construction and Building Materials, 168, 143–152.
>Gautam, P.K., Kalla, P., Jethoo, A.S., Agrawal, R., and Singh, H., 2018. Sustainable use of waste in flexible pavement: A review. Construction and Building Materials, 180, 239–253.
>Gautam, P.K., Kalla, P., Nagar, R., and Jethoo, A.S., 2018. Laboratory investigation on use of quarry waste in open graded friction course. Resources Policy, 59 (September 2017), 62–67.
Conference Publication
Kumar Gautam, P., Saini, P., Kalla, P., Jethoo, A.S., and Singh Chouhan, H., 2022. Performance Analysis of Black Cotton Soil Treated with Dimensional Limestone (Kota Stone) Slurry Waste. 5th ed. Springer.
Kumar Gautam, P., Kalla, P., Singh Chouhan, H., and Sitaramanjaneyulu, K., 2022. Use of dimensional limestone mining waste as flexible pavement material. Materials Today: Proceedings, 65 (P2), 2016–2020.
Singh, T., Swami, B.L., Kalla, P., Singh Chouhan, H., and Kumar Gautam, P., 2021. Effect of Nano Particle Based Anti-Stripping Agent on Moisture-Induced Damage for Bituminous Concrete Mixes. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 795 (1).
Singh Chouhan, H., Singh Chouhan, R., Kalla, P., Nagar, R., and Kumar Gautam, P., 2020. Effect of Kota stone slurry on strength properties of cement mortar mixes. Materials Today: Proceedings, 44 , 4557–4562.
Jethoo, A.S., Kalla, P., Patidar, P., Gautam, P.K., and Harshwardhan, S.C., 2017. Use of Kota stone cutting and quarry waste as subbase material. Interdisciplinary Environmental Review, 18 (2), 93.
Vyas, A., Gupta, N.K., Gupta, S.K., Gautam, P., and Jethoo, A.S., 2015. Mini/Micro Hydel Power System Design and its Implementation in Rajasthan. Aquatic Procedia, 4 (Icwrcoe), 1537–1544.
Jain, A.,
Rasikbhai, T.K., Gautam, P.K., Agrawal, V., and Gupta, R., 2024. Solar Powered
Portable Small Stone Crushing Machine.
1. Gainful Utilization of Overburden Mining Waste Generated During Limestone Mining in Meghalaya Region as Flexible Pavement Material, Sponsoring agency: SERB, Status: Ongoing (2023-2026)
2. Investigating Self-Healing Capability And Performance of HMA Mixes Containing Steel Slag As Aggregates. Sponsoring agency: SERB, Status: Ongoing (2023-2026)
1. Mr. Rinaldo Snaitang, Research Scholar
2. Mr. Yaspal, Research Scholar
Presently I have an opening for two PhD candidates.