972-4-8294731; Fax. 972-4-8295757
1998 | Ph.D. | Electrical Engineering, Technion – IIT, Haifa, Israel |
1993 | M.Sc. | Electrical Engineering, Technion – IIT, Haifa, Israel |
1990 | B.Sc. | Electrical Engineering, Technion – IIT, Haifa, Israel |
2013- | Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Technion – IIT, Haifa, Israel |
2014-2017 | Visiting Professor, School of Marine Science and Technology, NorthwesternPolytechnical University, Xi’an, China |
2006-2012 | Associate Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Technion – IIT, Haifa,Israel |
2001-2006 | Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Technion – IIT, Haifa, Israel |
1998-2000 | Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Computer Science, Yale Univ., NewHaven, Connecticut |
Introduction to Digital Signal Processing(044198) | Undergraduate | Spring 2004, Winter 2005-6,Winter 2006-7, Winter 2007-8, Winter 2008-9 |
Spatial Signal Processing (046743) | Graduate &Undergraduate | Spring 2016 |
Image Processing and Analysis (046200) | Graduate &Undergraduate | Winter 2001-2, Spring 2002,Winter 2002-3, Spring 2003,Winter 2003-4, Winter 2004-5, Spring 2005, Spring 2006,Spring 2007, Spring 2008,Spring 2009, Spring 2010, Winter 2010-11, Spring 2011,Winter 2011-12, Winter2013-14, Winter 2014-15,Winter 2015-16, Winter2016-17, Winter 2017-18 |
Image Processing and Analysis (04620083i) | InternationalSchool of theTechnion | Summer 2013, Summer 2014,Summer 2015, Summer 2016,Summer 2017 |
Digital Speech Processing in NoisyEnvironments (049035) | Graduate | Spring 2005, Spring 2006,Spring 2007, Spring 2008,Spring 2009, Spring 2010,Spring 2011, Spring 2012,Spring 2013, Spring 2014,Spring 2015, Winter 2015-16 |
Selected Topics in Signal Processing1(048831) | Graduate | Spring 2003, Spring 2004 |
Selected Topics in Signal Processing 2(048865) | Graduate | Winter 2016-17 |
Selected Topics in Signal Processing 3(048939) | Graduate | Winter 2017-18 |
2001-2003 | Undergraduate studies committee |
2001-2004 | Consultant for students under discussion |
2006-2009 | Consultant for exchange students |
2005-2009 | Consultant for undergraduate students in the field of Signal Processing |
2005-2009 | Coordinator of graduate courses in the field of Signal Processing |
2006-2008 | Committee for departmental computerization |
2007-2009 | Committee for outstanding employees |
2001-2004,2009-2014 | Committee for students under discussion |
2009-2014 | Committee for faculty and students |
2007-2014 | Committee for acceptance of students |
2011-2014 | Committee for academic development |
2009-2014 | Associate Dean for undergraduate student affairs |
2014-2016 | Graduate studies committee |
2014- | Committee for development, resources and finances |
2014- | Academic supervisor of the departmental labs and projects |
2014- | Committee for refreshing teaching experiments in departmental labs |
2014- | Chair of the award committee for students projects |
2014- | - Chair of the committee for development of teaching labs |
2017- | Chair of the Appeal Court for Students |
2004-2005 | Guest Editor of a Special Issue of the EURASIP Journal on Advances in SignalProcessing on Advances in Multi-Microphone Speech Processing (Vol. 2006) |
2005-2006 | Guest Editor of a Special Issue of the EURASIP Speech Communication Journalon Speech Enhancement (Vol. 49, Issues 7-8, July-August 2007) |
2005-2007 | Co-Editor of the Multichannel Speech Processing section of the Springer Handbookof Speech Processing |
2004-2008 | Associate Editor of the IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS |
2008 | Professional Committee Member of the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) |
2009 | Professional Committee Member of the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) |
2013-2015 | Member of the IEEE Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee(SLTC) |
2012- | Member of the IEEE Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing Technical Committee(AASP TC) |
2008 | International Program Committee Member, IASTED International Conference onSignal and Image Processing, SIP-2008, Hawaii, USA. |
2009 | International Program Committee Member, IASTED International Conference onSignal and Image Processing, SIP-2009, Hawaii, USA. |
2010 | International Program Committee Member, IASTED International Conference onSignal and Image Processing, SIP-2010, Hawaii, USA. |
2011 | International Technical Committee Member, the first annual “Speech ProcessingDay,” June 22, 2011, Afeka College, Tel Aviv, Israel. |
2011 | International Program Committee Member, IASTED International Conference onSignal and Image Processing and Applications, SIPA-2011, Crete, Greece. |
2011 | Technical Program Committee Member, 3rd Joint Workshop on Hands-free SpeechCommunication and Microphone Arrays, HSCMA-2011, Edinburgh, Scotland. |
2011 | International Program Committee Member, IASTED International Conference onSignal and Image Processing, SIP-2011, Dallas, USA. |
2011 | International Program Committee Member, IEEE Workshop on Applications ofSignal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, WASPAA-2011, New York, USA. |
2012 | International Technical and Steering Committee Member, 13th InternationalWorkshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control, IWAENC-2012, Aachen,Germany. |
2012 | International Technical Committee Member, the 2012 Speech ProcessingConference, Afeka College, Tel Aviv, Israel. |
2012 | International Program Committee Member, IASTED International Conference onSignal and Image Processing, SIP-2011, Honolulu, Hawaii. |
2013 | International Technical Committee Member, the 2013 Speech ProcessingConference, Afeka College, Tel Aviv, Israel. |
2014 | International Technical and Steering Committee Member, 14th InternationalWorkshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement, IWAENC-2014, Juan les Pins, FrenchRiviera. |
2014 | International Technical Committee Member, the 2014 Speech ProcessingConference, Afeka College, Tel Aviv, Israel. |
2015 | International Technical Committee Member, the 2015 Speech ProcessingConference, Afeka College, Tel Aviv, Israel |
2016 | International Technical and Steering Committee Member, 15th InternationalWorkshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement, IWAENC-2016, Xi’an, China |
2017 | Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE Workshop on Applications of SignalProcessing to Audio and Acoustics, WASPAA-2017, New York, USA. |
2018 | Tutorials Committee Member, Interspeech 2018, Hyderabad, India. |
2018 | Technical Advisory Committee Member, International Conference onInstrumentation, Control and Biomedical Signal Processing - ICICS’18, Coimbatore,TamilNadu, India. |
2018 | Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE Sensor Array and MultichannelSignal Processing Workshop, SAM-2018, Sheffield, United Kingdom. |
2018 | International Technical and Steering Committee Member, 16th InternationalWorkshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement, IWAENC-2018, Tokyo, Japan. |
Other | Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, IEEESignal Processing Letters, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing,EURASIP Signal Processing Journal, and EURASIP Speech CommunicationJournal. Reviewer of proposals for the Israel Science Foundation (ISF). |
IEEE Fellow
1987, 1988, 1989 | President of the Technion Honor List |
1988 | I. Kidron award at the Technion - IIT for excellent student at the faculty ofelectrical engineering |
1988 | The Israeli parliament honor for academic excellence |
1990 | Graduated 1st in class out of 241 students in the faculty of electrical engineering |
1993 | Rafael excellence award for a remarkable individual contribution and outstandingsolution |
1997 | Rafael excellence award for outstanding professional analysis of an importantproject |
1997 | Eliahu I. and Joyce Jury award at the Technion - IIT for outstanding achievement insystems, communication and signal processing |
1998 | Fulbright Israeli post-doctoral award (declined) |
2002, 2003 | Louis and Miriam Benjamin Lectureship - USA |
2003 | Technion award for Excellence in Teaching (top 15%) – course “Image Processingand Analysis |
2004 | Best student paper award (23rd IEEE Convention of the Electrical and ElectronicEngineers in Israel, paper co-authored by Amir Noiboar and Israel Cohen) |
2005 | Technion Excellent Lecturer award (top 5%) – course “Image Processing andAnalysis” |
2006 | Best student paper award (10th International Workshop on Acoustic Echo andNoise Control, IWAENC-2006, Paris, France, paper co-authored by Ari Abramsonand Israel Cohen) |
2006 | Technion Excellent Lecturer award (top 5%) – course “Image Processing andAnalysis” |
2007 | Best student paper finalist (32nd IEEE Internat. Conf. Acoust. Speech SignalProcess., ICASSP-2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, paper co-authored by Ari Abramson andIsrael Cohen) |
2007 | Technion award for Excellence in Teaching (top 12%) – course “Introduction toDigital Signal Processing” |
2007 | Technion award for Excellence in Teaching (top 12%) – course “Image Processingand Analysis” |
2008 | Technion award for Excellence in Teaching (top 12%) – course “Introduction toDigital Signal Processing” |
2008 | Technion award for Excellence in Teaching (top 12%) – course “Image Processingand Analysis” |
2009 | Technion award for Excellence in Teaching (top 12%) – course “Introduction toDigital Signal Processing” |
2009 | Muriel & David Jacknow award for Excellence in Teaching |
2009 | Technion award for Excellence in Teaching (top 12%) – course “Image Processingand Analysis” |
2010 | Best student paper award (12th International Workshop on Acoustic Echo andNoise Control, IWAENC-2010, Tel-Aviv, Israel. Paper co-authored by S.Markovich Golan, S. Gannot and I. Cohen). |
2010 | Technion award for Excellence in Teaching (top 12%) – course “Image Processingand Analysis” |
2010 | Alexander Goldberg Prize for Excellence in Research |
2011 | Technion award for Excellence in Teaching (top 12%) – course “Image Processingand Analysis” (winter semester) |
2011 | Technion award for Excellence in Teaching (top 12%) – course “Image Processingand Analysis” (spring semester) |
2012 | Best student paper award (27th IEEE Convention of Electrical and ElectronicsEngineers in Israel, IEEEI-2012, Eilat, Israel. Paper co-authored by S. MarkovichGolan, S. Gannot and I. Cohen) |
2014 | Technion award for Excellence in Teaching (top 12%) – course “Image Processingand Analysis” |
2014 | The 2014 SPS Signal Processing Letters Best Paper Award, IEEE Signal ProcessingSociety, for the paper: E. A. P. Habets, S. Gannot and I. Cohen, “Late ReverberantSpectral Variance Estimation Based on a Statistical Model,” IEEE Signal ProcessingLetters, Vol. 16, Issue 9, Sep. 2009, pp. 770-773. |
2015 | Qualcomm Research Award |
2015 | |
2015 | Technion award for Excellence in Teaching (top 12%) – course “Image Processingand Analysis” |
2016 | Best student paper award (IEEE International Conference on the Science ofElectrical Engineering, ICSEE-2016, Eilat, Israel, Nov. 16-18, 2016. Paper coauthored by Y. Zonis, Y. Buchris and I. Cohen). |
2017 | Norman Seiden Prize for Academic Excellence |
Completed PhD Theses
Refereed papers in conference proceedings
Invited talks and tutorials
2007 | Organizer and Chair of a Workshop on Speech Enhancement and MultichannelAudio Processing, Technion, Israel, Feb. 22, 2007. |
2010 | General Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee, International Workshop onAcoustic Echo and Noise Control, IWAENC, August 30th– September 2nd, 2010,Tel-Aviv, Israel. |
2014 | Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee, The 4th Annual International TCEConference, May 26-27, 2014, Technion, Haifa, Israel. |
2016 | Organizing Committee, IEEE International Conference on the Science ofElectrical Engineering (ICSEE), Nov. 16 – 18, 2016, Eilat, Israel. |
2016 | Co-Chair of the IEEE International Symposium on Speech and Audio Processing,Nov. 17, 2016, Eilat, Israel. |
2004 | Session Chair, 23rd IEEE Convention of the Electrical and Electronic Engineers inIsrael, Israel |
2005 | Speech Technical Committee Associate for ICASSP-2005 |
2006 | Session Chair, 31st IEEE Internat. Conf. Acoust. Speech Signal Process., ICASSP2006, France |
2006 | Speech Technical Committee Associate for ICASSP-2006 |
2009 | Session Chair, 34th IEEE Internat. Conf. Acoust. Speech Signal Process., ICASSP2009, Taiwan |
2011 | Session Chair, 1st Technion Computer Engineering (TCE) Conference, Technion,Haifa, Israel. |
2011 | Scientific Review Committee Member, 12th Annual Conference of theInternational Speech Communication Association (ISCA), INTERSPEECH 2011,Florence, Italy. |
2012 | Session Chair, 13th International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control,IWAENC-2012, Aachen, Germany. |
2013 | Session Chair, 38th IEEE Internat. Conf. Acoust. Speech Signal Process., ICASSP2013, Vancouver, Canada |
2014 | Session Chair, 39th IEEE Internat. Conf. Acoust. Speech Signal Process., ICASSP2014, Florence, Italy. |
2016 | Session Chair, 41st IEEE Internat. Conf. Acoust. Speech Signal Process., ICASSP-2016, Shanghai, China. |
2017 | Session Chair, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio andAcoustics, WASPAA-2017, New Paltz, NY. |