Mechanical Engineering

Head of Department

Dr. Koushik Das
Ph.D (IIT Guwahati)



An education tour cum industrial visit was organized for the students of B.Tech. 2nd year Mechanical Engineering to Umiam Stage-I, HEP, MePGCL, Sumer (a 36MW hydroelectric plant) on 2nd March 2024. They were assisted by two research scholars, two staff and two faculty advisors from the department. The students had a brief understanding of the layout as well as the functioning of the different sections of the plant, namely penstock, turbine function, power generation unit, control of power, power distribution system, etc.


Industrial Visit to HVAC plant at NEIGRIHMS (North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences), Mawdiangdiang, Shillong

On April 24th, 2024, 6th Semester Mechanical Engineering students had the enriching opportunity to visit the HVAC plant at NEIGRIHMS (North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences). This industrial visit provided valuable insights into the real-world application of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. The visit began with a brief introduction by the resource person from NEIGRIHMS, familiarizing the students with the various types of HVAC systems. This had been followed by a guided tour of the plant, where students could observe the equipment firsthand, including:

  • Water-cooled chillers (800 TR) along with cooling towers.
  • Air handling units (9000 CFM) that regulate temperature, humidity, and ventilation.
  •  Air-cooled chillers.

This industrial visit to the NEIGRIHMS HVAC plant served as a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical application, solidifying the understanding of HVAC principles.


A brief report on the Industrial Visit carried out for the 3rd year B.Tech. Mechanical engineering students on 5th November 2024 at STC (Mechanical) at Diesel Loco Shed, NF railway, New Guwahati

An education tour cum industrial visit was organized for the students of B.Tech. 3rd year Mechanical Engineering to Specialized Training Centre (Mechanical) at Diesel Loco Shed of the N. F. Railway at New Guwahati on 5th November 2024. They were assisted by two staff and the faculty advisor for the batch. Various working aspects of a diesel locomotive or an electric locomotive were theoretically explained by the workshop instructors to the students. Some numerical understanding of the power involved or generated by the locomotives were also explained. Various parts of the locomotive (radiator, engine, etc.) along with their functionaries were shown and explained to the students. Instructors also mentioned the internship opportunities to the students to get a better understanding of the functioning of the entire unit. A theoretical introspect followed by a practical demonstration in the LOCO shed made the visit a fruitful one.

Demonstration of functioning of various working systems through PowerPoint presentations Demonstration of working of parts of Diesel-Electric Loco  Ready to be installed in WDP – W for broad gauge, D for Diesel and P for Passenger traffic
Diagrammatical view of the engine cylinder Demonstration of the cam mechanism and the nozzle operation Nozzle test rig
Nozzle test pattern Group photo at the end of the visit