Mechanical Engineering

Head of Department

Dr. Koushik Das
Ph.D (IIT Guwahati)




Dr. Md Nur Alom Assistant Professor

PhD (IIT Guwahati)

Research Interest

Vertical Axis Wind Turbines, HAWT, Cross Flow Hydro Turbines, Ceiling Fan Blade Design

Education Qualification

PhD (IIT Guwahati)

Students' Guided/ Guiding

Ph.D. students (ongoing)

1. Mr. Reniya Raji

2. Mr. Jyotipriam Baruah (Co-Supervisor)

Workshop/STC Organized

Name of Faculty: Dr. Nur Alom,   Dr. Bunil K. Balabantaray, Dr. Sambit Majumder, Title: Automated Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Numerical Control (CNC), Sponsors: NIT Meghalaya and NIELIT Shillong, Duration: June 03-07, 2024, Faculty Responsibility: Coordinator

Education details:

Ph. D in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Guwahati,  October 2019

M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Guwahati,  June 2016

B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from NERIST, June 2014

Workshops/ Short Term Course attended

Sl. No.






2024 (September 23-27)

NIT Meghalaya


Pedagogy Workshop on Innovative Teaching Strategies and Pedagogical Excellence


2024 (June 10-14)


NIT Manipur


Sustainable Advancement and Developments in Mechanical Engineerings



IIT Guwahati


Short term course

TEQIP Short Term Course on “Computational Fluid Dynamics for Incompressible Flows”



IIT Guwahati



5th National Workshop on Research Methodology in Fluid Mechanics



NIT Meghalaya



TEQIP Sponsored Two Days Workshop on “Outcome Based Accreditation: Challenges and Opportunities


International Journals:

  1. Patel, U.K., Alom, N., and Saha, U. K, 2024 (September). "

    Lift-based Offshore Vertical-axis Wind Turbines for Power Generation: Current Status of Technology and Future Direction of Numerical Research", 

    Wind Engineering (Accepted)

  2. Patel, U.K., Alom, N., and Saha, U. K. 2023. Aerodynamic Analysis of a 2-stage elliptical-bladed Savonius Wind rotor: Numerical simulation and experimental validation", International Journal of Green Energy, vol.20, Issue 7.
  3. Mohan, M., Alom, N., and Saha, U. K. 2023. Role of Optimization and Soft-computing Techniques in the Design and Development of Futuristic Savonius Wind Turbine Blades: A Review", Wind Engineering, vol.47, issue. 3, page 722-744.
  4. Sarkar, D., Shukla, S., Alom, N., Sharma, P., and Bora, B. J., 2022. Investigation of a Newly Developed Slotted Bladed Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine: A Numerical and Response Surface Methodology Analysis, ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol: 145, No:5, p: 051302

4. Shukla A., Alom, N., and Saha, U. K., 2022. Spline-Bladed Savonius Wind Rotor with Porous Deflector: A Computational Investigation, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Vol: 44, issue: 10, p:1-17

5. Shukla, S., Bora, B.J., Deo, A., Alom, N., 2022, Numerical Analysis of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Blades in ANSYS Fluent, Materials Today Proceedings, Vol: 59, part: 3, p: 1781-1785

6. Talukdar, P. K., Alom, N., Rathod, U. H, and Kulkarni, V., 2021. Alternative Blade Profile based on Savonius Concept for Effective Wind Energy, ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol.144, No: 4, p:041304

7. Alom, N., Saha, U. K., and Dewan, A., 2021. In the Quest of an Appropriate Turbulence Model for Analyzing the Aerodynamics of a Conventional Savonius (S-type) Wind Rotor, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 13, issue 2, p. 023313

8. Alom, N., 2021. Influence of Curtain Plates on the Aerodynamic Performance of an Elliptical Bladed Savonius Rotor (S-rotor), Energy Systems, Vol.13, issue. 2, pages: 1-16 (Scopus)

9. Alom, N., and Saha, U. K., 2019. Examining the aerodynamic drag and lift characteristics of a newly developed elliptical- bladed Savonius rotor, ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 141, No. 5, p. 051201.

10. Alom, N., and Saha, U. K., 2019. Evolution and progress in the development of Savonius wind turbine rotor blade profiles and shapes, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 141, No.3, p. 030801.

11. Alom, N., and Saha, U. K., 2019. Influence of blade profiles on Savonius rotor performance: Numerical simulation and experimental validation, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 186, pp: 267-277

12. Alom, N., and Saha, U. K., 2019. Drag and lift characteristics of a novel elliptical-bladed Savonius rotor with vent augmenters, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 141, No. 5, p. 051007.

13. Ranjan, R. K.,  Alom, N., Singh, J., and Sarkar, B. K., 2019, “Performance investigations of cross flow hydro turbine with the variation of blade and nozzle entry arc angle ” Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 182, pp.41–50

14. Alom, N., and Saha, U. K., 2018. Four decades of research into the augmentation techniques of Savonius wind turbine rotor, ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 140, No. 5, p. 050801.

15. Alom, N., and Saha, U. K., 2018. Performance analysis of a vent-augmented elliptical-bladed Savonius rotor by numerical simulation and wind tunnel experiments, Energy, Vol. 152, pp: 277-290.

16. Alom, N., Borah, B., and Saha, U. K., 2018. An insight into the drag and lift characteristics of modified Bach and Benesh profiles of Savonius rotor, Energy Procedia, Vol. 144, pp: 50-56.

International Conferences:

1.  Alom N, P.K. Talukdar, B.K. Sarkar, and Saha U. K., 2023. Influence of Concentrated Augmenter on the Performance of A Two-Bladed Savonius Wind Rotor Composed of Arc-Elliptical Profile, Paper No. GTIndia2023-118292, ASME Gas Turbine India Conference, December 07 – 08, Bangalore, India.

2. Baruah, J., Venkaiah, P., Kumar, N., Sarkar, B.K. and Alom, N., 2022 Offshore Wind Turbine Pitch Control with Aeroelastic Effect, IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), May 20-22, 2022, Virtual

3.  Alom N., and Sarkar B.K., 2021. Effect of Exit Blade Angle on the Performance of Cross Flow Hydro Turbine: A Numerical Study, Paper No. GTIndia2021-76037, ASME Gas Turbine India Conference, December 02 – 03, Virtual, online

4. CJ Ramana, Bora BJ, Roy S, Alom N, and Buradi A, 2021, CFD Analysis of Pressure and Velocity distribution in Novel Reverse Osmosis Filtration of Crude Biodiesel, Proceedings of the 48th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) December 27-29, 2021, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, RJ, India

5. Singh J., Alom  N., and Sarkar B.K., 2020. Computational assessment of cross flow hydro turbine by changing the rotational speed, Proceedings of the 8th International and 47th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP2020), December 09-11, 2020, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati-781039, Assam, India

6. Talukdar P.K., Alom N., Rathod U.H., Kulkarni V., Saikia P., and Rava, D. K., 2020. Wind Tunnel Experiments to Estimate the Performance of a Novel Arc-elliptical-bladed Savonius Wind Rotor, International Conference on Recent Trends in Developments of Thermo-fluid and Renewable Energy, November 26 – 28, 2020, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, Yupia, India.

7.  Alom N, and Saha U. K., 2019. Determining the optimal location of vent augmenters in an elliptical-bladed Savonius rotor, Paper No. GTIndia2019-2344, ASME Gas Turbine India Conference, December 05 – 06, IIT Madras, Chennai, India.

8. Alom N, Das R, and Saha U. K., 2019. Optimization of aerodynamic parameters of an elliptical-Bladed Savonius wind rotor using multi-objective genetic algorithm, Paper No. GTIndia2019-2346, ASME Gas Turbine India Conference, December 05 – 06, Chennai, India.

9. Alom N, Das R, and Saha U. K., 2019. A Differential Evolution-Based Inverse Method to Optimize Blade Configurations in Elliptical-Bladed Savonius Wind Turbines, Paper No. GTIndia2019-2352, ASME Gas Turbine India Conference, December 05 – 06, Chennai, India.

10.  Alom, N., Kumar, N., and Saha, U. K., 2019. Analyzing the effect of shaft and end-plates of a newly developed elliptical-bladed Savonius rotor from wind tunnel tests, Paper No. OMAE2019-95570, ASME 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, June 9-14, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

11.  Alom, N., and Saha, U. K., 2017. Arriving at the optimum overlap ratio for an elliptical-bladed Savonius rotor, Paper No. GT2017-64137, ASME Turbo Expo, June 26–30, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.

12. Alom, N., Kumar, N., and Saha, U. K., 2017. Aerodynamic performance of an elliptical-bladed Savonius rotor under the influence of number of blades and shaft, Paper No. GTIndia2017-4554, ASME Gas Turbine India Conference, December 7–8, Bangalore, India.

13. Alom N., Kolaprathi S.C., Gadde S.C., and Saha U.K., 2016, “Aerodynamic design optimization of elliptical-bladed Savonius-style wind turbine by numerical simulations”, Paper No. OMAE2016-55095, ASME 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, June 19-24, Busan, South Korea.

14. Alom, N., and Saha, U.K., 2016. Numerical optimization of semicircular-bladed Savonius rotor using vent augmenters, Asian Congress on Gas Turbines 2016, November 14-16, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.

Book Chapter:
  1. Talukdar P.K., Alom N., Rathod U.H., Kulkarni V., Saikia P., and Rava, D. K., 2020. Wind Tunnel Experiments to Estimate the Performance of a Novel Arc-elliptical-bladed Savonius Wind Rotor, Advances in Thermofluids and Renewable Energy, Springer, pp: 211-219.

Sponsored Project:

Aerodynamic performance evaluation of Savonius vertical axis rotor for small-scale power generation (P.I: Dr. P. K Talukdar, JEC, Assam: Co-P.Is: Md Nur Alom (NIT Meghalaya), Dr. D. K Rabha (JEC), Dr. V. N. Kulkarni (IITG), NPIU-TEQIP-III sponsored, Amount: 12.07 lakhs. 

Awards and Recognitions

1.    Qualified “Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)” in Mechanical Engineering, 2014.

2.    Recipient of “Anundoram Boruah Award” by Govt. of Assam, India, 2009

3.    Recipient of “ASME Young Engineer Turbo Expo Participation Award 2017” to attend ASME Turbo Expo, June 26–30, 2017, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.

4.    Recipient of “ASME Outreach to Engineers Award by ASME, to attend ASME OMAE 2019, June 9-14, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

5.    Recipient of “DST-SERB International Travel Support” By MHRD, Govt. of India, 2019, to attend ASME OMAE 2019, June 9-14, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

6. “Alom, N., and Saha, U. K., 2018. Four decades of research into the augmentation techniques of Savonius wind turbine rotor, ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 140, No. 5, p. 050801”, become the most accessed article of the year 2018.

Invited Talks:

1.  On ‘ANSYS and Its Application in Engineering’ Department of Mechanical Engineering, GIMT Guwahati, Assam, India, 5-9 June 2017.

2. On the topic of ‘Problem Solving Approaches Using CFD Tools’ in 5th National Workshop on Research Methodology in Fluid Mechanics, Jointly Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati & National Society of Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, India, held at IIT Guwahati during June 22-23, 2019.

3.  On ‘Use of CFD Tools’ Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati, Assam, India, 17-21 February 2021

4. On the topic of Computational Analysis of Various Savonius Rotor Blade Profiles in the Refresher Program on Small Wind Turbines:  Design, Development and Testing organized by Trinity College of Engineering and Research, Pune during 31st March-6th April 2021

5. On the topic of Evolution of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines and Its Applications in the STTP on Recent Developments in Renewable Energy organized by Government Engineering College Bharuch, Gujrat during 4-9th April 2021

6. On the topic of Experimental Analysis of Savonius Wind Rotors in the Refresher Program on Small Wind Turbines:  Design, Development and Testing phase-II organized by Trinity College of Engineering and Research, Pune during 28th April-4th May 2021

7.  On the topic of Computational Analysis of Cross Flow Hydro Turbine with the Variation of Blade and Nozzle Entry Arc Angle in the 2nd International Workshop on In-stream Hydrokinetic organized at the Department of Hydro and Renewable Energy (HRED), IIT Roorkee, during Sept.27-28, 2021.

Work Experience:

1. Trainee Teacher, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Meghalaya (21st July 2014-12th November 2023)
2. Assistant Professor,  Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Meghalaya (13th November 2023 to Present)

Courses Taught:

UG Courses:

  1.  Fluid Mechanics

  2.  Engineering Mechanics

  3. Power Plant Engineering

  4. Power Generation Technology

  5.  Engineering Thermodynamics

  6. Hydro Power

  7. Wind Energy

  8. Safety Engineering

  9. Workshop Practice-I

  10. Workshop Practice-II

  11. Mechanical Laboratory-III

  12.  Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

  13. Fluid Machines laboratory 

PG Courses:

  1. Power Plant Engineering

  2. Thermal Science Laboratory

  3. Thermal & Fluid System Properties Measurement.

  4. Heat Transfer Laboratory


  1. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control

  2. ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology

  3. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews

  4. International Journal of Green Energy (Tailor & Francis)

  5. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (Tailor & Francis)

  6. International Journal of Sustainable Energy (Tailor & Francis)

  7. Wind Engineering

  8. Energy

  9. Alexandria Engineering

  10. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Engineering

  11. Oceans Engineering

  12. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy

  13. Energy Report

  14. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (IOP Press)

  15. CFD Letters

Session Chair:

Session Chair at 4th ICEPE 2022, Organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Meghalaya during 29th April – 01st May, 2022. 

Administrative Works:

  1. Organizing Member of Computational Modeling and Analysis Using Ansys and Creo (CoMAAC 2015), NIT Meghalaya

  2.  Member of Pre-Convocation Food Committee 2016, NIT Meghalaya

  3.  Member of Departmental Library Committee of NIT Meghalaya 2018

  4. Organizing Member of IC-RIDME 2018, International Conference Held at NIT Meghalaya

  5. Member of Pre-Convocation Cultural Committee 2019 of NIT Meghalaya

  6. Member of Departmental NBA Committee 2019 of NIT Meghalaya

  7.  Member of Event Management Committee for Hands on Training on ANSYS for CFD held at NIT Meghalaya 2019.

  8. Member of the departmental time table committee: Ongoing

  9. MTP Co-Ordinator: Ongoing

  10. Member of the Institute of Time Table Committee: Ongoing

    11. Member of the Institute Green Campus Committee: Ongoing

    12. Member of the Hostel Patrolling Committee: Ongoing

    13. Member of the Institute Anti-Ragging Squad Committee: Ongoing

    14. Faculty-Incharge Institute Outdoor Sports Club: Ongoing

    15. Returning Officer, SAC

    16. Warden: New Umpling Boys Hostel (Ongoing)