
Head of Department

Dr. Tribedi Bora
Ph.D(IIT Guwahati)




Research Interest

Laser Matter Interaction : Laser Ablation in Liquids, Shockwaves and Cavitation Bubbles, Nanomaterials in Liquids, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy.

Education Qualification

Ph.D, IIT Guwahati

Work Experience

  • Post Doctoral Visiting Scientist at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research , Mumbai from September 2011-September 2013. Area of Research - Ultrafast Laser Matter Interaction.

PHD Awarded/Ongoing

1. Arindom Phukan ( Awarded 2023)

2. Sanchia Mae Kharphanbuh (Thesis Submitted , December 2024)

3. Sandeep Ghosh (Ongoing)


1. TEQIP –III minor research grant scheme , November 2019 , sanctioned amount of Rs 2 Lakhs.

2. DST-SERB (Early Career Research Award), October 2018, on “Fluid Dynamical Aspects in Nucleation of Laser Produced Nanoparticles in Liquids”. Sanctioned amount is Rs 51.7 Lakhs.


1. Plasma Science and Society of India

2. Indian Society of Atomic and Molecular Physics


International Journals:


  1. External electric field assisted laser-induced plasma and bubble dynamics for optimizing Mn 2 O 3 nanoparticles as UV emitters, SM Kharphanbuh, A Nath , Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry,40, 186, 2025.
  2. Protein misfolding by manganese (III) oxide nanoparticles generated by pulsed laser ablation in liquids ,SM Kharphanbuh, K Baruah, AS Roy, A Nath , Journal of Molecular Liquids, 417, 126670, 2024.
  3. Application of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy to quantify the changes in plasma characteristics in calcite- precipitated soils,P Baruah, SM Kharphanbuh, A Nath, S Sharma , Microchemical Journal, 207, 111793, 2024.
  4. Bubble-assisted microstreaming during electrode deposition of Mn 2 O 3 energy harvesters,SM Kharphanbuh, PK Baruah, A Khare, A Nath, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 26, 13973, 2024.
  5. Laser-Induced Plasma and Cavitation Bubble Dynamics at Manganese–Water Interface Under External Electric Fields, S. M. Kharphanbuh and A. Nath, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, (2024) .doi: 10.1109/TPS.2024.3368572.
  6. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy for strength assessment in Ca binded soils,P Baruah, A Phukan, S Sharma, A Nath, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 106726, (2023).
  7. Influence of an external magnetic field on laser-induced plasma and cavitation bubbles in submerged targets, A Phukan, A Nath, Journal of Laser Applications 35 (1), 012011, (2023).
  8. An empirical experimental investigation on the effect of an external electric field on the behavior of laser-induced cavitation bubbles, A Phukan, SM Kharphanbuh, A Nath, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25 (3), 2477-2485, (2023).
  9. Comparative study of pulsed laser-induced breakdown at a metal-liquid interface at two liquid temperatures using a beam-deflection probe , A Phukan, PK Baruah, A Khare, A Nath, Journal of Modern Optics, pp 931-940, (2022).
  10. Magnetic field assisted nucleation dynamics of laser induced manganese oxide nanoparticles in water ,SM Kharphanbuh, A Phukan, A Nath, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55 , pp 375002, (2022).
  11. Inquest of material dissipation from cavitation bubble in laser-irradiated solid–liquid interface , A Deka, PK Baruah, A Khare, A Nath, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids,177, pp 244-257, (2022).
  12. Investigation of the exuberant cavitation bubble and shock wave dynamics in pulsed laser ablation of copper in distilled water ,PK Baruah, A Nath, AK Sharma, A Khare, Applied Physics A , 128, pp 1-13, (2022).
  13. Role of water temperature in laser induced breakdown at nickel-water interface for generation of nickel oxide nanocolloids , A Phukan, PK Baruah, A Khare, A Nath, International Journal of Nanotechnology , 18 , pp 638-648 , (2021).
  14. Role of fluid mechanical effects in activating phase transition of laser-induced TiO2 nanoparticles ,P. Sharma, A Nath, Laser Physics, 30,  pp 086002, (2020).
  15. Functional activity of TiO2 nanocolloids generated from diverging high power laser beams, Arpita Nath and Alika Khare, Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, 173, pp 915-920, (2018).
  16. Laser Provoked Metastable Phases in Liquids, Arpita Nath, Pooja Sharma and Alika Khare , Laser Physics Letters , 15 , pp 026001, (2018).
  17. Ultrafast dynamics of hemin aggregates, Arpita Nath, JA Dharmadhikari, AK Dharmadhikari, D Mathur, S Mazumdar, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 , pp. 26862, (2017).
  18. A. Nath, J.A. Dharmadhikari, D. Mathur, A.K. Dharmadhikari, Enhanced third harmonic generation in air by two-colour ultrashort laser pulses,Applied Physics B, Vol.-122, Issue No.-9, Page Nos -248, (2016).
  19. J A Dharmadhikari, R Deshpande, Arpita Nath, D Mathur and A, K Dharmadhikari, Effect of group velocity dispersion on supercontinuum generation and filamentation in transparent solids, Applied Physics B, Vol.-117, Page Nos -471, (2014).
  20. Arpita Nath, J A Dharmadhikari, A K Dharmadhikari and Deepak Mathur, Seventh Harmonic generation from 2 ?m ultrashort pulses in air, Optics Letters, Vol.-38, Page Nos -2560, (2013).
  21. Archana Das , Vigya Kesari, Arpita Nath, Alika Khare, Latha Rangan, Antimicrobial and micro Raman spectroscopy of selected Zingiberaceae species from Northeast India, Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, Vol.-16, Page Nos -75, (2013).
  22. Arpita Nath and Alika Khare, Laser Induced High Pressure and High Temperature conditions at titanium-water interface and its implication on TiO2 nanoparticles, Journal of Optical Society of America B, Vol.-29, Page Nos -351, (2012).
  23. Arpita Nath, Archana Das, Latha Rangan and Alika Khare, Bacterial Inhibition by Cu/Cu2O nanocomposites prepared via laser ablation in liquids,Science of Advance Materials, Vol.-4, Page Nos -106, (2012).
  24. Arpita Nath and Alika Khare, Size induced structural modifications in copper oxide nanoparticles synthesized via laser ablation in liquids, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.-110, Page Nos -043111, (2011).
  25. Arpita Nath and Alika Khare, Effect of Focusing Conditions on Laser Induced Shockwaves at Titanium-Water Interface, Applied Optics, Vol.-50, Page Nos -3275, (2011).
  26. Arpita Nath and Alika Khare, Transient Evolution of multiple bubbles in laser induced breakdown in water, Laser and Particle Beams, Vol.-29, Page Nos -1, (2011).
  27. Arpita Nath, Suvra Santa Laha and Alika Khare, Effect of focusing conditions on synthesis of Titanium Oxide nanoparticles via laser ablation in Titanium-Water interface, Applied Surface Science, Vol.-257, Page Nos -3118, (2011).
  28. Arpita Nath, Suvra Santa Laha and Alika .Khare, Synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles via laser ablation at Titanium-water interface, Integrated Ferroelectrics, Vol.-121, Page Nos -58, (2010).
  29. Arpita Nath and Alika Khare, Measurement of charged particles and cavitation bubble expansion velocities in laser induced breakdown in water,Laser and Particle Beams, Vol.-26, Page Nos -425, (2008).

Conference Papers: 

  1. Synthesis of Nanoparticles via Pulsed High-Power Laser in Liquid , A Nath, PK Baruah, A Khare, Tailored Functional Materials, pp  521-534, (2022).
  2. Laser Induced Cavitation Bubble Dynamics from Twin Breakdown Sites, P Deb, PK Baruah, A Khare, A Nath , 2019 Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP), pp 1-3, (2019).
  3. Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering and Antibacterial Capability of Pulsed Laser Ablated Metal/Metal Oxide Nanoparticles, Prahlad K. Baruah, Arpita Nath, Ishani Chakrabartty, Anuma Singh, Archana Das, Latha Rangan, Ashwini K. Sharma and Alika Khare, Advances in Science and Technology, pp 140-144, (2019).
  4. Antibacterial Activity of Cu@Cu2O Nanoparticles Synthesized via Laser Ablation in Liquids, Arpita Nath, Archana Das, Latha Rangan and Alika Khare, Proc. SPIE, 8173,81730A (2011).
  5. Spectroscopic investigations on Laser Induced Breakdown in Water, Arpita Nath and Alika Khare , Journal of Physics : Conference Series, 208, pp 012090, (2010).
  6. Laser induced breakdown in liquid and solid-liquid interface, Alika Khare and Arpita Nath ,Kiran – A Bulletin of Indian Laser Association,19,pp 01-06 ,(2008).


Sl No.Author NameTitlePublisherISBN NoPagesYear
1Arpita Nath and Alika KhareLaser Ablation in Liquids - Principles and Applications in the Preparation of Nanomaterials (Chapter 18 : Laser–Induced Breakdown in Liquid and at Solid–Liquid Interface)Pan Standford Publishing9789814310956 - CAT# N10476947-10122012

Courses Taught

Autumn 2023

1. PH 101 - Physics

2. PH 501 - Atomic and Molecular Physics

3. PH 581 - Optics Laboratory