Workshop on Recent Advances in Mechatronics and Robotics
Under TEQIP-III 22nd – 24th March 2018
Organized by:
Department of Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
In Association with
Center for Robotics and Mechatronics
National Institute of Technology Meghalaya, Shillong-793003 Meghalaya, India
The field of Mechatronics and Robotics have now gained immense popularity in respect of dealing with problems in different disciplines all over the world. This program is designed to address recent development in Mechatronics and Robotics and the allied Research field. The course will offer a unique interdisciplinary platform to the researchers to share and enhance research activity. This course will be beneficial for the research students, practicing engineers, academicians from Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Computer Science Engineering, Instrumentation and other Engineering discipline working the pertinent field.
The objective of this workshop is to introduce a number of modules covering detail discussions with respect to wide field of application, design and control issues related to recent advances. Adequate exposure on computer simulations and HIL will be provided so that upon completion of the course the participants will get acquainted with framing of mechatronic and robotic problem pertaining in their teaching and/or research activities.
Faculty members from multiple disciplines of IIT and other premier institution will deliver lecture.
The course is open to UG and PG students, researchers and faculty members of engineering colleges and practicing engineers from Industry. Participants from other Government and private organizations are also eligible. The course registration fee for student participant is of Rs. 1500/-, that of the staff or faculty is of Rs. 2000/- and for Industrial person 4000/-. The fee includes registration kit, tea-snacks and lunch during the workshop. Payments to be made through bank transfer/DD. Number of candidate are limited to 30 and applications will be considered first come first serve basis.
Applicants are requested to pay the registration fee through bank transfer with the following details or through Demand Draft drawn on any nationalized bank in favour of ‘ORPROG EE NITM’ payable at ’Shillong’.(Note: Registration on spot is possible on prior request through e-mail)
Details of Bank Account for Bank Transfer:
A/C Number: 9160 1002 5121 983
IFSC: UTIB0001176
MICR: 793211003
The scan copy of duly filled application form along with the payment acknowledgment should be e-mailed to:
Dr. Biswajit Halder, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Dr. Bikash Kr. Sarkar, Assistant Professor & HOD, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
National Institute of Technology Maghalaya, Shillong – 793003, Meghalaya, India.
Contact No: 9485177038/ 9485177011
Email: /
For more details please download workshop Brochure.