(Advt. No.: NITMGH/ES/REC/N-F/Vol.VIII/2024-25/1409 Date 27.09.2024)
Dated: 27-09-2024

List of Shortlisted Candidates and Rejected Candidates


National Institute of Technology Meghalaya invites applications from Indian nationals possessing requisite  academic qualifications, experience and age limit for appointment to various Non-Faculty positions on regular basis as follows:



Name of Post 

Required Qualifications & Experience 


Upper Age  Limit

No. of  



Technical Assistant in  Dept. of  Electrical  Engineering

Essential Qualification: 

First Class or equivalent Grade in B.E. / B.  Tech. in Electrical Engineering from a  recognized University / Institute. 


First Class Diploma in Electrical Engineering with excellent academic record.

Pay Level  6, with  Basic pay  of  


(as per 7th CPC)

30 Yrs. 

1 (UR)


Technician in  Dept. of  Electronics &  Communication  Engineering

Essential Qualification: 

Senior secondary (10+2) with Science from a  Government recognized board with at least  60% marks 


Senior secondary (10+2) from a Government  recognized board with at least 50% marks and  ITI Course of one year or higher duration in  Electronics & Communication Engineering.  


Secondary (10) with at least 60% marks and ITI  Certificate of 2 years duration in Electronics &  Communication Engineering. 


Diploma in Engineering of three year's duration  in Electronics & Communication Engineering or relevant field from a Government recognized  Polytechnic / Institute.

Pay Level 3,  with Basic  pay  

of ₹21,700/- (as per 7th  CPC)

27 Yrs. 

1 (UR)


Technician in  Dept. of  Computer Science Engineering

Essential Qualification: 

Senior secondary (10+2) with Science from a  Government recognized board with at least  60% marks 


Senior secondary (10+2) from a Government  recognized board with at least 50% marks and  ITI Course of one year or higher duration in  Computer Science Engineering.  


Secondary (10) with at least 60% marks and ITI  Certificate of 2 years duration in Computer  Science Engineering. 


Diploma in Engineering of three year's duration  in Computer Science Engineering or relevant  field from a Government recognized  Polytechnic / Institute.

Pay Level 3,  with Basic  pay  

of ₹21,700/- (as per  7th CPC)

27 Yrs. (UR) 32 Yrs. (ST)

2 (UR) 

1 (ST)



Technician in  Dept of  Mechanical 


Essential Qualification: 

Senior secondary (10+2) with Science from a  Government recognized board with at least  60% marks 


Senior secondary (10+2) from a Government recognized board with at least 50% marks and  ITI Course of one year or higher duration in  Mechanical Engineering.  


Secondary (10) with at least 60% marks and ITI  Certificate of 2 years duration in Mechanical  Engineering. 


Diploma in Engineering of three year's duration  in Mechanical Engineering or relevant field  from a Government recognized Polytechnic /  Institute.

Pay Level 3,  with Basic  pay  

of ₹21,700/- (as per  7th CPC)

27 Yrs. 

1 (UR)


Technician in  Dept. of  Electrical 


Essential Qualification: 

Senior secondary (10+2) with Science from a  Government recognized board with at least  60% marks 


Senior secondary (10+2) from a Government recognized board with at least 50% marks and  ITI Course of one year or higher duration in  Electrical Engineering.  


Secondary (10) with at least 60% marks and ITI  Certificate of 2 years duration in Electrical  Engineering. 


Diploma in Engineering of three year's duration  in Electrical Engineering or relevant field from  a Government recognized Polytechnic /  Institute.

Pay Level 3,  with Basic  pay  

of ₹21,700/-  (as per 7th  CPC)

32 Yrs. 

1 (ST)



Essential Qualification: 

First class Bachelor Degree or its equivalent  from a recognized University or Institute in any  discipline. 


Master's Degree in any discipline from a  recognized University or Institute with at least  50% marks or equivalent grade. 

Knowledge of Computer applications viz.,  Word processing, Spread Sheet.

Pay Level 6,  with Basic  pay of  ₹35,400/- 

(as per 7th  CPC)

30 Yrs. 

1 (UR)


Junior Assistant

Essential Qualification: 

Senior secondary (10+2) from a recognized  board with a minimum Typing speed of 35  w.p.m. and proficiency in Computer Word  Processing and Spread Sheet. 


Proficiency in other computer skills;  stenography skills

Pay Level 3,  with Basic  pay of  ₹21,700/- 

(as per 7th  CPC)

27 Yrs. (UR) 32 Yrs. (ST)

1 (UR) 

1 (ST)


• UR = Unreserved, ST = Scheduled Tribe (reserved for) 

General Terms and Conditions: 

1. Only Indian Nationals need to apply.

2. Applicants must pay Non-Refundable Application Fee as below. As per Rules, no fee is required for  Women, SC/ST, PWD & Ex-Servicemen applicants.  

Sl. No. 

Name of the post 

Application fee in ₹

Technical Assistant 



Sl. No. 

Name of the post 

Application fee in ₹




Sl. No. 

Name of the post 

Application fee in ₹




Sl. No. 

Name of the post 

Application fee in ₹

Junior Assistant 



3. Fee once paid is not refundable under any circumstances.  

4. Candidates who have successfully completed filling up the Application Form shall have to pay the  application fee through SBI Collect by following the instructions carefully. Candidates are advised to read  details given in the “Check Payment Process” link carefully before making the payment. 

5. The candidates are also instructed to keep a copy of the transaction receipt for future reference.

6. All applications and payment of fees will be accepted only through online mode. 

7. Persons working under Central/State Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous organization  

shall have to forward their application through proper channel or to obtain an NOC from the concerned  employer and produce the same at the time of written test /skill / trade tests. 

8. Candidates working in Central Government, State Government, Autonomous Bodies, CFTIs, PSUs,  Banking and Reserved Categories (SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex-Serviceman) will be given age relaxation as per  the Government of India norms.  

9. Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD/ESM shall be as per Government of India norms.

10. Candidates who qualify for the Written test are to produce all original certificates, testimonials, etc. for  verification before appearing before the Skill/ Trade Test. 

11. For all the posts, the crucial date for calculating the age and qualification required will be the last date of  online application as declared in the advertisement / Institute Website, i.e. 12.11.2024.

12. Candidates must have the requisite educational qualifications, experience and age on the last date of online  application as declared in the advertisement / Institute Website. Any information furnished and certificates  provided if found false, tampered with, mutilated or suppressed and noticed at a later date shall be  considered as disqualification for the post. 

13. Canvassing of any kind will be a disqualification. 

14. Mere fulfilling the minimum educational qualification and experience (minimum eligibility criteria) does  not bestow right to a candidate to be called for written test/skill test. 

15. Depending upon the number of applications received, the scrutiny criteria may be higher than the  minimum eligibility criteria. 

16. Institute reserves the right to reject or accept any candidature without assigning any reason thereof.

17. The number of positions may vary depending upon vacancies available and sanction received from the  Ministry of Education. 

18. The Institute reserves the right to fill in or otherwise, any or all the advertised posts.

19. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from candidates regarding conduct and result of written  test/skill or trade tests and reasons for not being called for the written test/skill / trade tests.

20. Any change of address for correspondence should be communicated giving reference of the Advertisement  and post(s) applied for. 

21. Applicants are advised to give phone numbers and e-mail addresses in their own interest to facilitate  prompt communication. If shortlisted, all communications regarding skill/ trade test, etc. will be made  only through e-mail. 

22. Applicants willing to apply for more than one post must submit separate application form and make  separate fee payment for each of the posts. 

23. Any corrigendum / addendum or modification, if any, would appear only on the Institute website  (www.nitm.ac.in) and will not be published in any Newspaper.

24. All information and updates in respect of the advertisement will be uploaded only on the Institute website  (www.nitm.ac.in) and will not be published in any Newspaper. Candidates are advised to check the  Institute website frequently. 

25. Legal disputes, if any, with National Institute of Technology Meghalaya will be restricted within the  jurisdiction of Shillong, Meghalaya only. 

26. The written test /skill / trade tests will be conducted in Shillong only.  

Important NOTES: 

Opening date of Online portal: 27.09.2024 (12 Noon).

>>Online Link Portal<< 

Last Date for Submission of online application 12.11.2024 (11:45PM).

For any help/query, you may communicate through email only (staff_recruitment@nitm.ac.in) 

