Dated: 14-05-2019

NIT Meghalaya intends to hold a Walk-in-interview for one temporary post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in ISRO funded RESPOND Project entitled “Development of High Sensitivity CMOS-MEMS Integrated Smart Pressure Sensor and System for Space Applications (Ref: ISRO/RES/3/807/18-19)” in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. This advertisement is in continuation with the earlier advertisement for the same post Ref. No.: NITMGH/ES/ISRO-RESPOND Proj/EC/80/2018-19/3656, Dated: 26/03/2019. The post of JRF is temporary and co-terminus with the project (2019-2021). The initial appointment is for one year, which is extendable up-to completion of the project or end of the project duration, whichever is earlier. The extension of engagement will be solely based on the performance of the candidate.

Name of the post

Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Number of post(s)


Essential qualification

M.Tech. in Microelectronics or related disciplines (OR) B.Tech. in Electronics & Comm. Engg. with NET /GATE or equivalent qualification (OR) M.Sc. in Electronics with NET or equivalent qualification with minimum 60% marks in Bachelors and Masters Degree

Desirable qualification

The candidates having relevant experience in MEMS and Microelectronics with hands-on-experience on MEMS/TCAD/EDA Software Tools will be preferred.


Rs. 25,000/- per month + 16% HRA (HRA will be given only if accommodation in the Institute Hostel is not available)

Date, time and venue for the Walk-in-Interview

Date: 27th May 2019

Time: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Venue: Conference Room, Admin Block

The candidates must submit duly filled application form along with self-attested photocopies of marksheets, certificates and other related documents (if any) at the time of interview on 27 May 2019. No TA/DA will be paid if called for interview. Selected candidate may be asked to join on short-notice of one week only.

Download Application Form >>

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Rathore

Principle Investigator, ISRO – RESPOND Project

Assistant Professor, Electronics & Communication Engineering

NIT Meghalaya, Laitimkhrah, Bijini Complex, Shillong 793003
