Head of Department

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Rathore
Ph.D(IIT Delhi)




Dr. Satyendra Singh Yadav Assistant Professor

Ph.D (NIT Rourkela) with ERASMUS MUNDUS NAMASTE Project Scholarship


Research Interest

6G Wireless Communications, Signal Processing for 5G Systems and Beyond, Machine Learning, IoT, GPU Computing

Education Qualification

Ph.D (NIT Rourkela) with ERASMUS MUNDUS NAMASTE Project Scholarship

Educational Qualifications

Sl. No.
NIT Rourkela, India
RITS, RGPV- Bhopal, India

Work Experience

Sl. No.



National Institute of Technology Meghalaya

Position Held

Assistant Professor (Level-12, Grade-I)


August 2024


Till date

2National Institute of Technology MeghalayaAssistant Professor (Level-10, Grade-II)Oct.-2019August 2024
3Indian Institute of Information Technology Vadodara (IIIT-V)
Assistant Professor (On Contract)

Indian Institute of Information Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM), Kurnool

Assistant Professor (On Contract)July-2018June-2019
5Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering (Autonomous), Visakhapatnam
Assistant Professor



Sl. NoTitle of Project
Co-PIFunding Agency
Sanctioned Amount (In Lakhs)
Start Yr - End Yr (Duration)
1AI Empowered Advanced Wireless Communication Systems
Dr. P. Rangababu

1. Dr. Satyendra Singh Yadav

2. Dr. Shravan Kumar Bandari

3. Dr. Abhishek Sarkhel

4. Dr. Ch V Rama Rao

5. Dr. Shubhankar Majumdar 

DST sponsored FIST Level - 1


(Sanction Number: SR/FST/ET-I/2020/689)

2Development of Machine Learning  Based Parallel Algorithms for Future Generation Wireless Systems 
Dr. Satyendra Singh YadavNILTEQIP-III22021-2022


  1. Rajesh Tiwari, Manisha Sharma, Kamal K Mehta, Mohan Awasthy, Rajeev Shrivastava, Mangal Singh, Tarun Dhar Diwan, Akshat Tiwari, Ajay Tiwari Suraiya Begum, and Satyendra Singh Yadav. Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics based Insurance Service Fraud Detection System, 30 March 2022. Australian Patent: 2021101568.
  2. Mohan Awasthy,  Rajesh Tiwari, Manisha Sharma, Kamal K Mehta, Rajeev Shrivastava, Mangal Singh, Tarun Dhar Diwan, Akshat Tiwari, Ajay  Tiwari, Suraiya Begum, Satyendra Singh Yadav and A Jothi Murugan. Portable Camera Holder, 28 September 2021. IN Patent: 205420, Design No. 346524-001

Journal Publications

  1. Debbarni Sarkar, Yogita, Satyendra Singh YadavLinga Reddy Cenkeramaddi and Om Jee Pandey, "TDRA: Transformer Based Deep Recurrent Architecture for Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) Pertinent to Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Internet of Things (IoT) Networks," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, [DOI Article Link]
  2. Debbarni Sarkar, Vipin Pal, Satyendra Singh Yadav, and Sarat Kumar Patra. "IRS-aided NOMA-based communication architecture for 6G wireless networks: An enhanced error-control and reliable data transmission." Physical Communication, Vol. 65, August 2024, 102394 [DOI Article Link]
  3. Vaibhav Tiwari, Chandrasen Pandey, Satyendra Singh Yadav,, Diptendu Sinha Roy, Om Jee Pandey and Linga Reddy Cenkeramaddi, "Maximizing Coverage and Energy Conservation in B5G Networks Using Hexagonal Tiling to Deploy FT-S2ES," in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 5, pp. 2541-2554, 2024, [DOI Article Link]
  4. Saumitra Gangwar, Yogita, Ikkurthi Bhanu PrasadSatyendra Singh Yadav, Vipin Pal, Neeraj Kumar, "GTTR: A Game Theory-based TOPSIS Optimized Routing Protocol for WSNs," in IEEE Sensors Journal[DOI Article Link]
  5. Debbarni Sarkar, Yogita, Satyendra Singh Yadav, Vipin Pal, Neeraj Kumar, Sarat Kumar Patra. "A Comprehensive Survey on IRS Assisted NOMA based 6G Wireless Network: Design Perspectives, Challenges and Future Directions", vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 2539-2562, April 2024, [DOI Article Link
  6. Ikkurthi Bhanu Prasad, Saumitra Gangwar, Yogita, Satyendra Singh Yadav, Vipin Pal. "HCM: a hierarchical clustering framework with MOORA based cluster head selection approach for energy-efficient wireless sensor networks". Microsystem Technologies, 2023, [DOI Article Link]
  7. Ikkurthi Bhanu Prasad, Yogita, Satyendra Singh Yadav, Neeraj Kumar, Vipin Pal. "BAT: Barabasi-Albert with Topsis Scale Free Topology Evolution for Load Balanced WSNs". IEEE Sensors Journal, 23(15),17627-17637, 2023, [DOI Article Link]
  8. Saumitra Gangwar, Yogita, Ikkurthi Bhanu Prasad, Satyendra Singh Yadav, Vipin Pal, Neeraj Kumar. "GTFR: A Game Theory Based Fuzzy Routing Protocol for WSNs". IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, [DOI Article Link]
  9. Debbarni Sarkar, Satyendra Singh Yadav, Yogita, Vipin Pal, and Neeraj Kumar. "Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided NOMA-HARQ based IoT Framework for Future Wireless Networks". IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 72(5), 6268-6280, 2023, [DOI Article Link]
  10. Chiluveru Gnaneshwar, Manish Kumar Singh, Satyendra Singh Yadav, and Bunil Kumar Balabantaray. Analysis of image forgery detection using convolutional neural network. International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies, 9(3):240–260, 2022, [DOI Article link].
  11. Shravan Kumar Bandari, Satyendra Singh Yadav, and V.V. Mani. Analysis of GFDM in generalized eta-mu fading channel: A simple probability density function approach for beyond 5G wireless applications. AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 153:154260, 2022, [DOI Article link].
  12. Saumitra Gangwar, Ikkurthi Bhanu Prasad, Yogita, Satyendra Singh Yadav, Vipin Pal, and Sarat Kumar Patra. HSCR: Hierarchical structured cluster routing protocol for load balanced wireless sensor networks. Software: Practice and Experience, 2022, [DOI Article link].
  13. Lizia Sahkhar, Bunil Kumar Balabantaray, and Satyendra Singh Yadav. Efficient Cloudlet Allocation to Virtual Machine to Impact Cloud System Performance. International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD), 13(6):1–21, 2022, [DOI Article link].
  14. Koushik Mondal, Satyendra Singh Yadav, Vipin Pal, Akhilendra Pratap Singh, Yogita Yogita, and Mangal Singh. Detecting Sinkhole Attacks in IoT-Based Wireless Sensor Networks Using Distance From Base Station. International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD), 13(6):1–18, 2022, [DOI Article link].
  15. Gagan Kumar, Satyendra Singh Yadav, Yogita, and Vipin Pal. Machine learning based framework to predict finger movement for prosthetic hand. IEEE Sensors Letters, pages 1–4, 2022, [DOI Article link].
  16. Chirag Roy, Satyendra Singh Yadav, Vipin Pal, Mangal Singh, Sarat Kumar Patra, and G R Sinha. An Ensemble Deep Learning Model for Automatic Modulation Classification in 5G and Beyond IoT Networks. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2021, [DOI Article link].
  17. Ikkurthi Bhanu Prasad, Yogita, Satyendra Singh Yadav, and Vipin Pal. HLBC: A Hierarchical Layer Balanced Clustering Scheme for Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(22):26149–26160, 2021, [DOI Article link].
  18. Jaspreet Singh, Satyendra Singh Yadav, Vinay Kanungo, Yogita, and Vipin Pal. A node overhaul scheme for energy efficient clustering in wireless sensor networks. IEEE Sensors Letters, 5(4):1–4, 2021,  [DOI Article link].
  19. Paulo A. C. Lopes, Satyendra Singh Yadav, Aleksandar Ilic, and Sarat Kumar Patra. "Fast Block Distributed CUDA Implementation of the Hungarian Algorithm". “Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC)”, 130:50–62, Elsevier, 2019, [DOI Article link].
  20. Satyendra Singh Yadav, Paulo A. C. Lopes, Aleksandar Ilic, and Sarat Kumar Patra. "Hungarian algorithm for sub-carrier assignment problem using GPU and CUDA". International Journal of Communication System (IJCS), 32(4):e3884, Wiley, 2018, [DOI Article link].
  21. Satyendra Singh Yadav, Paulo Lopes, and Sarat Patra. "Parallel Resource Allocation and Subcarrier Assignment for Downlink OFDMA". IETE Technical Review, 00:1–16, Taylor & Francis, 2018, [DOI Article link]

Conference Publications

  1. Sunanda Mukhopadhyay, Kartikey Gupta, Anjali Kashyap, Abhishek Sarkhel, and  Satyendra Singh Yadav "Characteristics Analysis of 2-Bit Digitally Time-Coded Programmable Metasurface Using Vector Synthesis Approach". In 2024 IEEE International Students’ Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science, Accepted, 2024.
  2. Debbarni Sarkar, Satyendra Singh Yadav, Vipin Pal, and Sarat Kumar Patra. "Performance Evaluation of IRS Assisted HARQ aided MIMO Wireless Network over Different Fading Channels", In IEEE INDICON, In-press, 2023.
  3. Saumitra Gangwar, Ikkurthi Bhanu Prasad, Vipin Pal, Yogita, Satyendra Singh Yadav." Fuzzy Clustering based Cluster Head Selection for IoT enabled WSNs", In 10th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), pages 761-766,  2023, [DOI]
  4. Shaktinarayana Mishra, Prachitara Satapathy, Satyendra Singh Yadav, and P K Dash. "An Optimized Polynomial Perceptron Network based Adaptive Filter for Non-linear Active Noise Control", 2nd Odisha International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Communication and Computing Technology (ODICON), pages 1-5, 2022, [DOI]
  5. Mangal Singh, Saurav Gupta, Satyendra Singh Yadav, Vipin Pal, and Sarat Kumar Patra. Performance Evaluation of Visible Light Communication System based on Optical Power Distribution with Channel Delay Spread and SNR. In 2021 Advanced Communication Technologies and Signal Processing (ACTS), pages 1–5, 2022,  [DOI].
  6. Vedanshu Kuwal, Satyendra Singh Yadav, and Anup Dandapat. Analysis of the universal gates based on the comparative factors of delay propagation, average power dissipation and logical effort. In 2nd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET)-2021, pages 1–7. IEEE, 2021, [DOI].
  7. Satyendra Singh Yadav, Paulo AC Lopes, and Sarat Kumar Patra. "A low-complexity suboptimal algorithm for joint subcarrier assignment in downlink OFDMA system". In International Conference on Recent Innovations in Signal Processing and Embedded Systems (RISE), pages 38–43. IEEE, 2017, [DOI].
  8. Sudhanshu Arya, Satyendra Singh Yadav, and Sarat Kumar Patra. "WSN assisted modulation detection with maximum likelihood approach, suitable for non-identical Rayleigh channels". In International Conference on Recent Innovations in Signal Processing and Embedded Systems (RISE), pages 49–54. IEEE, 2017, [DOI].
  9. Satyendra Singh Yadav, Prasanta Kumar Pradhan, and Sarat Kumar Patra. "Computational complexity analysis of PTS technique under graphics processing unit". In Third International Conference on Computer, Communication, Control and Information Technology (C3IT), pages 1–5. IEEE, 2015, [DOI].
  10. Satyendra Singh Yadav and Sarat Kumar Patra. "Performance evaluation of STBC-OFDM WiMAX system using graphics processing unit (GPU)". In International Conference on High Performance Computing and Applications (ICHPCA), pages 1–6. IEEE, 2014, [DOI].
  11. Prasanta Kumar Pradhan, Satyendra Singh Yadav, and Sarat Kumar Patra. "PAPR reduction in OFDM systems". In Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON ‘14’), pages 1–5. IEEE, 2014, [DOI].
  12. Sangeeta Bhattacharjee, Satyendra Singh Yadav, and Sarat Kumar Patra. "LTE physical layer Implementation using GPU based high-performance computing". In International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies (ICACCCT), pages 1546–1550. IEEE, 2014, [DOI].

Book Chapter(s)/Book

  1. Satyendra Singh Yadav, Shrishail Hiremath, Pravallika Surisetti, Vijay Kumar, and Sarat Kumar Patra. Application of Machine Learning Framework for Next-Generation Wireless Networks: Challenges and Case Studies, chapter 5, pages 81–99. John Wiley Sons, Ltd, 2022, [Chapter Link].

Research Scholars



  1. Sunanda Mukhopadhyay [P22EC002], Joined (Jan 2022)
  2. Debbarni Sarkar [P21EC004], Joined (July 2021)


  1. Shaktinarayan Mishra [P22EC015], Joined (July 2022)
  2. Debsundar Swami [P20EC00], Joined (Jan 2020)
  3. Chirag Gupta [P19EC002], Joined (Jan 2019)

M.Tech (PG):

  1. Vedanshu Kuwal [T19ECE006] Completed- 2022

B.Tech (UG):

    1. Kartikey Gupta (B19EC021)
    2. Anjali Kashyap (B19EC026)
    3. Tanisha Kant (B19EC002)
    4. Vineet Malewar (B19EC022)
    5. Mayank Singh (B18EC005)
    6. Pankaj Goyal (B18EC009)
    7. M Govardhan Reddy (B18EC021)
    8. Yerubandi Vamsi Krishna (B18EC022)
    9. Chirag Roy (B17EC011)
    10. Rohit Raj (B17EC029)
    11. Rajsrijan Ghorai (B15EC031)
    12. Chiluveru Gnaneshwar (B16 EC 024) 
    13. Manish Kumar Singh (B16 EC 028)

    Admin Responsibilties (Institue Level)

    1. Professor Incharge Hindi Cell (From September 2023 till date)
    2. Faculty Incharge Computer Center (From July 2020 to June 2023).
      1. Convener ICT project implementation committee: ICT project of permanent campus Sohra.
      2. Convener of SAMARTH ERP.
      3. Core Committee Member of Non-teaching Recruitment.
      4. Convener: Convocation website design and online management Committee (2020 (online), 2021 (Hybrid), 2022 (Hybrid))
    3. Convener NITM Chronicle (From August 2020 to August 2021).
    4. Deputy Faculty Incharge Computer Center (From Feb. 2020 to June 2020).

    Responsibilties (Department Level)

    1. Lab In-charge: Machine Learning Laboratory 
    2. Lab Incharge: Center of Excellence for Communication
    3. Final Year Project Coordinator (AY 2020-21, 2022-23, 2023-24)

    Subjects Taught

    1. Analog and Digital Communication (EC-301), Autumn (2023)
    2. Signals and Systems (EC-202), Spring (2023, 2024)
    3. Wireless Communication (EC-415), Autumn (2021)
    4. Digital Logic Design (EC-203), Autumn (2020, 2021, 2022)
    5. Data Communication and Networks (EC-304), Spring (2020, 2021)