Computer Science And Engineering

Head of Department

Dr. Deepak Kumar
Ph.D(NIT Meghalaya)



Sanjoy Choudhury Research Scholar

MCA, Jorhat Engineering College
Full Time/Part Time Scholar: Part-Time

Research Area

IoT, Edge / FoG Computing , Smart Cities

Research Plan

Investigating Efficient Computing Schemes for SustainableSmart Cities

Seminar/Conference Attended:

1. IEEE 2020 ICCE-TW, Smart Technologies for, Consumer Electronics - AI, IoT and More, SEP. 28-30, 2020 South Garden Hotels and Resorts, Taoyuan, Taiwan. 2. ICMIB-2021: International Conference on Machine Learning, Internet of Things and Big Data, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, India, December 18-20, 2021



  • Sanjoy Choudhury; K. Hemant Kumar Redddy; Buddhadeb Pradhan; Ashish Kr. Luhach; Diptendu Sinha "A PSO-based Energy Efficient Approach for IoT Applications in Smart Cities “, Springer, Wireless Personal Communications (Accepted)
  • Sanjoy Choudhury; Buddhadeb Pradhan; K. Hemant Kumar Reddy, Diptendu Sinha Roy “A Novel Differential Evolution Optimization for Energy and QoS Aware Fog-level Resource Management in IoT Based Smart Cities” Elsevier: Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems. (Manuscript Submitted)
  • N. A. Choudhury, S. Moulik, Sanjoy Choudhury, "Cloud-based Real-time and Remote Human Activity Recognition System using Wearable Sensors", IEEE ICCE-TW, Taoyouan, Taiwan, Sep. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/ICCE-Taiwan49838.2020.9258050.
  • Motahar Reza; Sanjoy Choudhury; Jatindra Kumar Dash; Diptendu Sinha Roy "An AIbased Real-Time Roadway-Environment Perception for Autonomous Driving" IEEE ICCE-TW, Taoyouan, Taiwan, Sep. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/ICCE Taiwan49838.2020.9258145.
  • Diptendu Sinha Roy, Sanjoy Choudhury, Karthik Pai B H, and K Hemant Kumar Reddy, “A Hybrid CNN Real-Time Object Identification and Classification Approach for Autonomous Vehicles”. (Accepted for Springer LNNS series).
Book Chapter:
  • A Hybrid CNN Real-Time Object Identification and Classification Approach for Autonomous Vehicles, Sanjoy Choudhury, B. H. Karthik Pai, K. Hemant Kumar Reddy, and Diptendu Sinha Roy, Intelligent Systems , Springer book series Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 10.1007/978-981-19-0901-6_43