Sl. No. | Title of the Project | Investigator | Funding Agency | Funding amount | Duration | Status |
1. |
On Data-Driven Event Detection Using Indian Power Grid`S Synchrophasor Data |
Prof. D S Roy | DST-SERB | 1941000 | 2018-10-01 to 2021-10-01 | Completed |
2. |
Design And Development Of Intelligent Algorithms For Analysis And Detection Of Obscene Content And Forgery In The Images Available In Social Media Platform |
Prof. D S Roy |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
2700000 | 2019-01-01 to 2021-01-01 | Completed |
3. |
A Machine Learning Framework For Deploying Mobile Edge Clouds For Real-Time Analytics On Iotdata Over 5G |
Prof. D S Roy |
Ministry of Electronics & It (Meity) |
2021-01-01 TO 2023-06-01 | Completed | |
4. | Design and Development of Intelligent Algorithms for Analysis and Detection of Obscene Content and Forgery in the Images Available in Social Media Platform | Dr. Bunil Kumar Balabantaray | BPR&D, MHA, Govt. of India | 21.888L | 2 years | Completed |
5. | GAN based Medical Image Dataset Synthesis for disease prediction | Dr. Bunil Kumar Balabantaray | NVIDIA (India) Hardware Grant | Hardware Grant (NVIDIA RTX A6000): 10 L | 27.08.2021 | Ongoing |
6. | A Deep Learning Approach for Preservation of Cultural Heritage | Dr. Bunil Kumar Balabantaray | SERB (CRG/2021/008076) | 23.91345L | 3 years | Ongoing |