Sl. No. | Title of Project | PI | Co-PI | Funding Agency | Sanctioned Amount | Start Yr - End Yr (Duration) | Status |
1. | AI Empowered Advanced Wireless Communication Systems | Dr. P. Rangababu | 1. Dr. Shravan Kumar Bandari 2. Dr. Abhishek Sarkhel 3. Dr. Ch V Rama Rao 4. Dr. Shubhankar Majumdar 5. Dr. Satyendra Singh Yadav | DST sponsored FIST Level - 1 | 80,00,000 INR (Sanction Number: SR/FST/ET-I/2020/689) | 2021-2026 | On-going |
2. | Deep-Cancellation: A deep learning approach to mitigate interference in GFDM receiver for future wireless systems | Dr. Shravan Kumar Bandari | --- | TEQIP-III | 1,83,000 INR | 2021-2023 | completed |
1) Journals:
2) Conferences:
Book Chapters:
1) Reviewer for the following Journals:
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
- IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
- IEEE Communications Letters
- IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
- IET Communications
- IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution
- AEU- International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Elsevier)
- Physical Communication (Elsevier)
- Telecommunication Systems (Springer)
- International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS, Wiley)
- Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT, Wiley)
- ICT Express (Elsevier)
- IETE Journal of Research (Taylor & Francis)
- IJE (Taylor & Francis)
- KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems
2) Reviewer for the following conferences:
- Machine learning, Deep learning and Computational Intelligence for wireless communication (MDCWC-2020), Springer
- IEEE International conference on advances in computing, communications and informatics (ICACCI) 2019
- International conference communications, signal processing and VLSI (IC2SV) 2019
- IEEE Globecom Conference 2017
3) Invited talks and session chairs:
- Online expert lecture on “Deep learning for wireless communication” as part of Two week online FDP on “Recent Research Trends and Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning'', Organized by Electronics & ICT Academy, NIT-WARANGAL & In association with KU College of Engineering & Technology, Kakatiya University, Warangal, India,
10 - 20 August 2022.- Session chair for workshop on "Machine learning, Deep learning and Computational Intelligence for wireless communication (MDCWC-2020)", NIT Tiruchirapalli, India, 22-24 October 2020.
- Delivered invited talk titled, "Compressed sensing for beyond 5G applications using deep learning", in the online faculty development program on "Recent Trends in Communication Technologies" (RTCT-2020) organized by Vaagdevi College of Engineering (Autonomous, JNTU Hyderabad), India, 10-14 October 2020.
- Delivered invited talk titled, "Introduction to GFDM for 5G applications", in the online faculty development program on "Recent Trends in Communication Technologies (RTCT-2020)" organized by Vaagdevi College of Engineering (Autonomous, JNTU Hyderabad), India, 10-14 October 2020.
- Delivered invited talk titled, "Compressed sensing for B5G: A 60 min tour", in the National Webinar on "Recent Advancement of system Design Towards 5G Communication (RASDT5C-2021) " organized by Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engg., Haldia Institute of Technology, West Bengal, India, 11-13 January 2021.
4) Technical program committee (TPC) for the Machine learning, Deep learning, and Computational Intelligence for wireless communication (MDCWC)-2020 conference.
5) Technical program committee (TPC) for the IC2SV-2019 conference.
6) Technical event coordinator for National conference on Recent Advances in Communication and Electronics Engineering (RACEE), organized by NIT Warangal, 2016.
1) Institution Activities:
2) Departmental Activities:
Sl. No. | Title of the Program | Organized by | From | To | Duration |
1. | National Conference on Recent Advances in Communication and Electronics Engineering | National Institute of Technology Warangal, India | 21-Oct-2016 | 22-Oct-2016 | 2 days |
2. | Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications, and Informatics | The LNM Institute of Information technology, Jaipur, India | 21-Sep-2016 | 24-Sep-2016 | 4 days |
3. | Sixth International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications | Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, Kochi, India | 06-Sep-2016 | 08-Sep-2016 | 3 days |
4. | European Wireless conference | Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Budapest, Hungary | 20-May-2015 | 22-May-2015 | 3 days |
5. | Graphical System Design Approach for Research in Power Systems, Power Electronics, and Communications | NIT Warangal and National Instruments, India | 03-Oct-2013 | 04-Oct-2013 | 2 days |
6. | Scientific Computing with MATLAB | NIT Warangal, India | 22-Sep-2013 | 26-Sep-2013 | 5 days |
7. | Good Laboratory Practices | NIT Warangal, India | 13-Sep-2013 | 13-Sep-2013 | 1 day |
8. | International Conference on Communications, Devices and Intelligent Systems | Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India | 28-Dec-2012 | 29-Dec-2012 | 2 days |
Sl. No. | Nature of Training | Duration | Organization where training was provided | Year |
1. | Five Days Intensive Training program on NI Communication System Design Platform | May 17- May 21, 2016 | National Instruments, Bangalore section, India | 2016 |
2. | Indo-French center for applied mathematics (IFCAM) summer school | July 07- July 25, 2014 | Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore, India | 2014 |